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Sentora update Informatio...
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Free Wildcard Certificates
Posted by: Me.B - 07-07-2017, 05:32 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (11)


Let's encrypt is announcing free wildcard certificates for 2018:

Notice for domain validation most of users use http but you can also use DNS that will allow you to use validation for private ip's without exposing them.


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Payment Processor Installation Help Needed
Posted by: zHostingSolutions - 06-23-2017, 07:37 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)


Unlike the banking system script that I downloaded in the past, that, didn't work right; this time, I found a payment processor that is build with the latest code. However, the only problem is that, although, I put my database info in, it, still tells me "No such file or directory."

Main Site:

Admin Panel:
The default username and password is: admin

However, because it won't connect to the database, I can't login and change the password.

Please help. Thanks.

I'll pm you my FTP login info.

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How to Install Silex on Hosting with Debian 8
Posted by: oliverdev - 03-09-2017, 11:48 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (2)

Found this guide for install Silex on Debian 8 based hosting. The installation process is easy and works 100%

cd application/{your_app_folder}/public_html

composer require silex/silex “2.0”

composer require “twig/twig:~1.0”


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New forum reference tool
Posted by: TGates - 02-18-2017, 05:25 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (3)

We have added a new QuickReference tool so we can help each other even better!
Quickly refer to any thread by typing "#" and searching for the thread's title.

Just use:

and suggestions will appear for you to create a link to the other helpful topic!

It will look like this (without the space) when you add it or edit the current thread:
# 168
but it will supply a link like this:
[MODULE] Sentastico Package Installer [ALL OS]

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How can I configure so the browser will download a file, not view it.
Posted by: eddiejibson - 02-18-2017, 12:40 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)


Is there anyway I can configure Sentora so when viewing say uploaded files (txt/png e.t.c) it will download them and not view them in the browser? I obviously don't want it to download things like HTML and PHP files as that's how users view the actual site.

Any Ideas?


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Returned AWServer!
Posted by: MarkDark - 01-21-2017, 04:38 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)

Hi all!
My NikName MarkDark
I am glad to see you!!!
AWServer for Windows, Returned!
I Russian.
I bad speak english.
Therefore, when you are going to write, please use the shorter expression and do not use slang.

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IS there reason for DropBox not to work on the forums?
Posted by: worksmarter - 01-15-2017, 05:37 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)

I cannot get any image loaded to DropBox to show up in the forums. Are you aware of this? And/or is it by design or a bug if you will? Thanks


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Paid Sentora
Posted by: laughingsteam - 01-04-2017, 04:28 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (5)

Hey everyone,

I want to start off by saying I'm a huge fan of Sentora and have been using it for years now.

I was looking at other panels, not to use, but to see pricing options. cPanel is ridiculously priced but I came across Plesk and was surprised at some of their packages.

As low as $5/month, and got thinking. What if Sentora had taken it from an Open-Source model to a paid-subscription or even donate-monthly.

Sentora could even go as low as $1/month for example, making it super affordable but would allow developers to get paid and the project to continue with great support.

Just a thought, I know a lot of people choose open-source platforms because of the pricing. But come on, who couldn't afford $12/year?

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PHPMailer bug.
Posted by: Nigel - 12-29-2016, 07:48 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (5)

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StartSSL warning
Posted by: Me.B - 12-13-2016, 01:29 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (4)

Juste a notice for all StartSSL warning:

1. Mozilla and Google decided to distrust all StartCom root certificates as of 21st of October, this situation will have an impact in the upcoming release of Firefox and Chrome in January. Apple's decision announced on Nov 30th of distrusting all StartCom root certificates as of 1st of December will have an impact in their upcoming security update.
2. Any subscribers that paid the validation fee after Oct. 21st can get full refund by request.
3. StartCom will provide an interim solution soon and will replace all the issued certificates with issuance date on or after Oct 21st in case of requested. Meanwhile StartCom is updating all systems and will generate new root CAs as requested by Mozilla to regain the trust in these browsers.

Take care if you use them you will need to switch to another SSL provider as seem google is fighting them. I think their SSL certificates got badly used.


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