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Mach-hosting downtime exp...
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i not can install sentast...
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Forum: General Support Forum v1.0.x
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Mach-hosting downtime explained
Posted by: TGates - 1 hour ago - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - No Replies

My zppy repo and my sen-packs repo are both back online! Thanks to @[Jettaman], our main Developer, at for hooking me up with hosting.

I figured I should explain why my server and sites went offline. 

Since I found ZPanel (v1.2 I think) Windows only (incomplete at the time) I have been here since day '2' so to speak. (ZPanel/Sentora History) I have had so many home server issues over the years it's incredible. But, this is the first time I had an HDD failure.

What happened you ask?
I maintain my own server from home. As I have done for many years now. Well, the HDD that held the OS died.
I replaced the drive and started re-installing the OS. Simple fix, just time consuming. Well, nothing is that easy for me. During this process the power supply died.
When it rains, it pours...

Jettaman set me up an account on one of his Sentora servers so I could get my sites and clients back online. Well, that wasn't as easy as planned either! We had a php session issue and file permission issues.
Jettaman was able to sort those issues out quickly and my sites are back online!

You may be thinking, TGates uses Sentora and Jettaman uses Sentora, why didn't the sites just 'plug-n-play' on the server? (BTW, my OS was Ubuntu 20.04 and his is also Ubuntu 20.04)
Since the two of us are the only devs, you would think everything would be the same. Nope! His Sentora server is setup to his needs and clients, while mine was setup for my needs and clients. This goes to show how different a Sentora server can be from one install to another.

What to learn from this?
Have a backup plan for hosting, just in case! Even if its temporary while you rebuild your server. 
The most important thing: Back up your hostdata folder locally on your own PC or to a different server! Do not rely on the automated Sentora site backups on your server. If the server HDD fails (like mine did), you are pretty much at a loss.
My server had two HDDs, one HDD hosted the OS and Sentora while the second HDD held my hostdata folder. (Information on how to change the hostdata folder location is in our docs.)
Regardless of your server setup, always download or copy the entire hostdata folder some place safe, at minimum weekly. More active clients/sites should be saved daily.
The built in site backup module also saves MySQL database dumps! This is another important reason to download/save your hostdata folder. Sure, you may have the site on your PC because of editing or whatever, but do you also have a recent DB backup?

I hope this information will help other's to setup a game plan 'just in case' to protect your sites or client's sites.

We do have plans to build a Sentora Core backup module. More info on that at another time.

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Useful backlink checking site
Posted by: TGates - 05-19-2024, 04:24 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - No Replies

Useful SEO tool to see what site's (and how many) are sharing your website URL.

Example backlink stats I figured I'd share from:

Input URL:
Links pointing to: domain

This report is limited to the top backlinks pointing at your domain (showing 1 link per domain) View all backlinks

2.85M External backlinks Pointing to: domain (Wow!!)

26 Domain Authority (Score)

2.9K Referring Domains Pointing to: domain

2.51K Referring IP's Pointing to: domain

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Interesting find
Posted by: TGates - 01-28-2024, 09:15 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)

I just scanned through my zppy repo access log and noticed something that surprised me.
Somebody is still using a very old zPanel install!
I saw a zppy request for Zantastico!, the zPanel version of Sentastico.
Sentora came out 10 years ago!

I just thought I'd share this amusing little tid-bit Smile

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Can anyone suggest best Sentora alternative
Posted by: servermaster - 12-19-2023, 08:18 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)


It is undeniable that Sentora and zPanel were once amazing open-source control panels. However, I now observe that they are on a decline, with no updates and lack of support for the latest PHP versions or applications.

Could anyone kindly suggest the best open-source and free alternative to Sentora? I am looking for a solution that encompasses all the features of Sentora and is regularly updated.

Thank you.

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Absolute path to images
Posted by: franmm25 - 04-13-2023, 03:39 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)

I try show images with absolute path and all time don´t show images, with the same path read directory perfectly with php but don´t show images

My Example:

Quote:<img src="/var/sentora/hostdata/zadmin/public_html/website_com/images/image.jpg" />

I think the path is right, but the only problem is don´t show images, also read perfectly dir and the number of images inside but don´t show image, i disable open_dir_base for read directory in this domain, but how i tell don´t show images with src.

Thank´s in advanced for the help, regards.

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Forum SSL && Email problems
Posted by: republicus - 02-19-2023, 01:43 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)

This may not be the most appropriate forum to post this. Its general notice concerning the Sentora forums/website.

I've been trying to get back here to test Sentora v2 for a while but hit several road blocks that need addressed asap.

The forum's SSL is invalid. It looks like some letsencrypt/ssl testing was preformed on the forums months ago. Let me know if there is a need for a development lab environment.

Secondly, I only could gain access to the forums after remembering my email and password while following the crumbs left behind in the email rejections at my mail server sent by the forums. I'm seeing these rejections twice an hour for a quite some time...

I'm sure both issues are a major impact and reduction of additional eyes on the project.

[Image: image.png]

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Can not access Sentora
Posted by: ThomasMoss - 12-13-2021, 01:53 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (4)

Embroidery Machine Features to Look for When Creating Logos
When searching for the [Image: hz5qkQEztY-ecA2OkbyNic-PBdvCUICRVI3Q76CQ...erPF3rygeK] best embroidery machine for custom designs and logos, it's important to take into account a variety of features that can greatly enhance your embroidery experience. This comprehensive blog post will provide an in-depth overview of the top-notch features you should consider when selecting an embroidery machine specifically tailored for designing logos. By delving into these details, you'll be equipped with the knowledge to make an informed decision and find the right embroidery machine that meets your unique needs and delivers exceptional results.
Embroidery Machine Features to Consider
Embroidery Machine Types
When choosing an embroidery machine for home use, you'll come across two main types: single-needle and multiple-needle machines.
[Image: CZxbygh.jpg]
A single-needle embroidery machine is ideal for beginners or those who primarily work on small projects. It allows you to embroider one color at a time, offering simplicity and ease of use.
On the other hand, a multi-needle embroidery machine is perfect for those who need to embroider intricate designs with multiple colors. With multiple needles, you can thread different colors simultaneously, saving time and effort in changing threads. This type of embroidery machine is commonly used by professionals or those who handle larger and more complex projects.
Consider your needs, skill level, and the scale of your embroidery projects when deciding between these two types of machines.
Embroidery Hoops/Frames
Embroidery frames come in a variety of sizes and shapes, so it's important to select one that is suitable for the job. For projects with large designs, larger frames are recommended to ensure even stitching and better results. On the other hand, for projects with smaller designs or logos, smaller frames are more suitable. Be sure to select a frame that will fit the design and provide enough support for the fabric while being embroidered.
At Crafts Selection, we provide comprehensive reviews and guides to help you select the best embroidery machine for creating logos and custom designs. Whether you're a beginner or an experienced embroiderer, we have the best embroidery machine reviews [Image: JxKoW0u.gif] online to help you make an informed decision. Visit our website for more information!
[Image: ZMHAXm4.jpg]
Embroidery Machine Design Software
Look for a computerized embroidery machine that has compatible software for designing logos. Make sure the software is easy to use and has features that allow you to customize the design. Many embroidery machines come with compatible software, but you can also purchase third-party software to use with your machine. Research different software options to determine which one best suits your needs and budget. This will ensure that you can create stunning logos and designs with ease.
Speed and Efficiency
If you’re looking for a good home embroidery machine that can handle various speed settings and multiple projects with ease, look for one with adjustable speed settings. Some machines may come with presets for different speed levels, so you can easily adjust the speed depending on your project.
Additionally, look for a machine that can handle a large number of stitches quickly and efficiently. This will save you time and effort when working on large projects with intricate designs. Finally, make sure the embroidery machine is easy to use and maintain, so you can get the most out of it.
When budgeting for an embroidery machine, be sure to factor in the cost of the machine, software, and supplies you may need. To find the [Image: GAaOGS9.gif] best affordable embroidery machine, it's important to compare different models and features. Research the features of the machine and any software that is included.
Moreover, check for any additional supplies such as needles, thread, and frames that you may need, as these can add to the cost of the machine. With careful research and budgeting, you can find the best embroidery machine for you.

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Sentora 2.0 Beta
Posted by: Ron-e - 06-27-2021, 08:59 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (6)

Come on guys make it a open beta, i needed 2.0 a long while ago.
This realy takes to long!

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Forums Issue
Posted by: JuliaRoss - 05-26-2021, 09:11 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)

Hi, I do not know where to write maybe this place will do, but only I have a problem with the forum, I just joined but I see two topics and everything lags, I reloaded the page, even the computer and everything blinks for some reason. What is the problem?  Confused Dodgy

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Migrate zpanel to Sentora
Posted by: pgh2011 - 03-13-2020, 06:25 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)


Does anyone have a document or script to migrate zpanel 10.0.2 to Sentora?
I can't find it in the forum.


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