(09-01-2018, 09:26 PM)ORiOn Wrote: This is what I get on mail-tester.com..
I really don't understand the mx records and I was sure something was wrong with them... But what, I have no idea...
I corrected the errors related to the records, it misses the DKIM signature, how do I add that?
Are you sure you've corrected all of the other errors apart from the DKIM one? There seems to be quite a bit going on that would probably cause your emails to fail - maybe test it again now you've sorted record issues and post another screenshot of the results?
Also, what the above info doesn't necessarily make clear is whether your server is connecting using SSL/TLS or a non-secure connection, and whether you have this all set up. This is now a requirement (IIRC) for services like Gmail- if your server sends an email to a gmail.com address, Google will not like it if your server doesn't connect via SSL/TLS. I might be a bit wrong in saying it's a requirement right now and I think Google still allows non-secure connections but I'm sure they are working towards allowing only completely secure connections eventually. You might want to visit https://ssl-tools.net/ and use the "Mail servers test" to find out more about whether you've got SSL/TLS set up correctly, etc.
Setting up a mail server is easy with Sentora, but setting it up correctly and tweaking it to get all the necessary things in place, like SPF, DKIM, SpamAssassin, ClamAV, etc. is a different thing altogether and isn't for the faint-hearted!
So, how to set up DKIM... now, there's a question! It is very complicated, and involves adding new DNS records as well as configuring something like OpenDKIM on your server.
Unless you really, really know what you're doing, it's possibly better to leave it alone. DKIM isn't currently a requirement and quite a few mail services still don't implement it.