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Mach-hosting downtime exp...
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Forum: General Support Forum v1.0.x
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Automatic domains in SOA record
Posted by: Ron-e - 02-16-2015, 02:09 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (5)

Is it possible to add an feature to set a standard domain name for the ns1 and postmaster SOA record as hosting admin/reseller if you want use the same nameservers on all domains for your customers?
A bit like the dns records you can set in mysql under x_dns_create?


PHP Code:
$line .= "@ IN SOA ns1." $DomainName ".    postmaster." $DomainName ". (" fs_filehandler::NewLine(); 

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Error Forums Sentora
Posted by: Cantalupo - 02-09-2015, 04:22 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)

[Image: 20150208142341971134709.png]

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Gmail marking email from Sentora as SPAM
Posted by: Merridion - 02-07-2015, 12:20 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (15)

Hello Sentora,

Just a heads up from someone who just created a forum account. Gmail is marking email from Sentora as SPAM b/c it is saying that it's "in violation of Google's recommended email sender guidelines".

I don't know if it's something with the way your auto-response when registering a new account is set up, or if it's something within the way MyBB is designed, but I just thought I'd let you know in case anyone else isn't aware about it or doesn't think to check their SPAM folder...

- Edward

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Sentora-alerts @ googlegroups
Posted by: Ron-e - 02-04-2015, 02:41 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (3)

I did not get an alert from the Sentora-alerts Groups on google..  Huh

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Thanks for Sentora
Posted by: layman - 02-02-2015, 10:14 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (3)

Hi all, just wanted to say thanks for Sentora. I'm currently unable to work due to sickness, so having a web hobby keeps me sane. I have some great ideas I want to explore, but I'm not too knowledgeable when it comes to servers.
Also, I can't afford much these days, so thanks for OVH's Kimsufi servers as well!
I've spent around two months installing and re-installing different operating systems and control panels, trying to find something suitable, and what I've noticed is that almost every open source panel requires a user to have a bit more knowledge than most hosting clients would have.
Users like simplicity, and unfortunately most control panels are anything but simple.
EHCP for example...well compare it to cpanel, simplicity wise. A hosting client can instictively guess what to do with cpanel, but ehcp is clumsy and makes even the smallest task mindboggling.
Then there's zpanel...well I don't know if it's good or not, never actually got to install it as it's installer doesn't work.
Kloxo has security issues and doesn't seem to have enough interested developers, ispconfig again is confusing. As is Froxlor, DTC and gnu panel.
In fact there's only two worth mentioning, imscp and Sentora.
I do like imscp but thought I'd check out Sentora before making my ultimate decision, and Sentora it is!
It installed like a dream on Ubuntu 14.04, though I had to uninstall bind first as kimsufi doesn't provide a 'raw' install.
Setting up was relatively simple, but more clients will know what to do almost immediately, and where they get stuck, i can explain an answer without having to do hours of research first!
Also, many thanks to TGates for his excellent add-ons and simple install instructions....a true professional!
One question that's always bugged me about open source control panels.....I used to run a free hosting set up provided by byet internet. Theire control panel used net2ftp, as does many other control panels, but with byet, once you'd logged into your control panel, you didn't have to again log intp net2ftp, you just clicked filemanager and were instantly logged in.
Why is it that no other control panel does this? Just curious.
Finally, did I say thanks? No? Ok, Thanks so much for Sentora.

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Testing website connection
Posted by: rajeevrrs - 01-26-2015, 05:22 PM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (2)

Hello friends,

I get some complain from my clients and visitor that they are unable to view and webstite loading too much time, but it working fine for me.

so all here please help me with small testing

please visit this all links

and tell me is any one of site not working.

If working please post :- working , your county name, region name, ISP and URL that works

if not working please post :-
not working, your county name, region name, ISP and URL that not works

If loading slow please post : - Loading slow, your country name, region name, ISP and URL that load slow

please help me and please make a post and test as you can.

waiting for result.

Thanks in advance.

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Auto optimized
Posted by: MickeMM - 01-26-2015, 12:00 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)

If i have a server with 2 cores and 6 GB ram, doese Zentora optimize the system and use all cores and ram for my websites?

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Posted by: jntslvdrt - 01-23-2015, 02:53 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (4)

Hello, I'm still Zpanel user and I test Sentora as well. But does Sentora have a roadmap?
Because I still can't see a data for 1.0 (stable) release.

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Posted by: TGates - 01-20-2015, 03:04 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - No Replies

Here ya go guys! Big Grin

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Sentora is ZPanel?
Posted by: slaserx - 01-03-2015, 06:09 AM - Forum: General Discussions (Non-Support Related) - Replies (1)

Hi Sentora is new name on ZPanel or not ? and if is a new name where is the reposity for ZPanel.. Confused

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