So just fired up a VPS with Centos 7 for test and these are the problems i saw (setup goes very fast i must say)
1. Both domains are supposed to be already defined in your domain provider DNS.
- the MAIN domain with an "A" (or "AAAA") record pointing to PUBLIC-IP,
- the sub domain with "CNAME" record pointing to same IP (usualy aliased as "@").
/dev/fd/63: line 156: ifconfig: command not found
2.In the install procedure it detect my ip address but it thinks its not my IP (but i did proceed anyway) the detected IP is really true
3. Some error with my named server, maybe something to do with DNS setting by my provider, i didnt make any changes in the dns for this ip address because it is a test VPS
4. Its installs MariaDB instead of Mysql i think its ok, that is standard with Centos 7
5.Erorr at end:
Restarting named
Job for named.service failed. See 'systemctl status named.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
As said overall test seems ok onlt that bind thing give problems
Sentora Team good work !!
1. Both domains are supposed to be already defined in your domain provider DNS.
- the MAIN domain with an "A" (or "AAAA") record pointing to PUBLIC-IP,
- the sub domain with "CNAME" record pointing to same IP (usualy aliased as "@").
/dev/fd/63: line 156: ifconfig: command not found
2.In the install procedure it detect my ip address but it thinks its not my IP (but i did proceed anyway) the detected IP is really true

3. Some error with my named server, maybe something to do with DNS setting by my provider, i didnt make any changes in the dns for this ip address because it is a test VPS
4. Its installs MariaDB instead of Mysql i think its ok, that is standard with Centos 7
5.Erorr at end:
Restarting named
Job for named.service failed. See 'systemctl status named.service' and 'journalctl -xn' for details.
As said overall test seems ok onlt that bind thing give problems
Sentora Team good work !!