Hide DNS Software Version on Sentora 1.0.3
10-24-2017, 10:52 AM
(This post was last modified: 10-24-2017, 10:53 AM by wormsunited.)
Hi there,
It seems i am not able to Hide the Hide DNS Software Version in Sentora using named.conf on Bind. I added successfully the entry's as follows:
Then i restarted the service:
All was ok i checked the version too using this code:
In this case i got a return value of "unknown", problem is that it does not hide it. Now, this is a security problem since a new vulnerability maybe can be found in DNS software and script kiddies are scanning the Internet to exploit unpatched systems.
It's a best practice to hide software version on your DNS servers, although this is not a real protection it just makes a little harder to find your servers via scanning.
Any ideas why this is not working?
Thanks in advance
It seems i am not able to Hide the Hide DNS Software Version in Sentora using named.conf on Bind. I added successfully the entry's as follows:
PHP Code:
// /etc/named.conf
options {
// Hide bind version
version "unknown";
Then i restarted the service:
PHP Code:
service named restart
All was ok i checked the version too using this code:
PHP Code:
dig +short @ns1.example.com version.bind txt chaos
In this case i got a return value of "unknown", problem is that it does not hide it. Now, this is a security problem since a new vulnerability maybe can be found in DNS software and script kiddies are scanning the Internet to exploit unpatched systems.
It's a best practice to hide software version on your DNS servers, although this is not a real protection it just makes a little harder to find your servers via scanning.
Any ideas why this is not working?
Thanks in advance