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Email problem Gmail and Outlook
Email problem Gmail and Outlook

when send from sentora to Gmail or Outlook, my email go to spam. My IP is and it is blacklisted. When I requested to remove from black list they say me

"You ONLY need to remove the IP Address from our list if you are running an
outgoing mail server.

(If you do NOT run an email server on this IP address, then being on this list
should not affect you or your ability to send email through your email provider.
If it does, please contact your ISP or email provider to correct. It can be a
problem with the email server, or your email client may not be configured

If you ARE running an email server, your PTR (reverse) DNS is the problem.

This does not conform to 'Best Practices' recommendations for Network Operators,

and Email administration and as such is much more likely to be an access point

from which Trojans and Bots are being used to send Spam.

You should first, of course, ensure that the problem that got your IP detected in

the first place (i.e. infected PC's or a spam leakage) gets rectified.  However, once

this is done you should contact your upstream provider or change the PTR

(reverse) DNS yourselves to something more suitable.

According to 'Best Practices' guidelines (and I can give you several references

if you like) the hostname of an IP Address used to send email should resolve to

the responsible party's domain.  In this case, the host name resolves to your

upstream provider, who aren't responsible for the mail server at that location.

Simply changing the reverse DNS to something like..


 -- or --

Once this is done, it would allow the IP Address to be removed, and also prevent

the spread of Spam from trojans and bots.  You may need to wait for the DNS
change to propagate before removal."

How to solve this?
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RE: Email problem Gmail and Outlook
When send mail receive report where say

"This is the mail system at host "

Why it is not is How to change this?
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