I had a lot of Heartache - Normally with WP I just zip up the entire public_html directory copy the database and bring it accross
Sentora didnt like the database maybey its because its uses older versions of packages like phpmyadmin ? Not sure but theres more then 1 way to skin a cat.
I tried a dozen plugins for wordpress that dont work (I have a multisite setup so its hard)
Duplicator Pro by snapcreek dot com actully worked although not without difficulty
Steps -
use Duplicator Pro to make your backup - ditch any huge files you might have first
zip up your directory it saved it in with cpanel
use wget to get your file from the oldserver to the new server - wget "http://example.com/backup.zip" it will dump it in the current directory your in so cd to the public_html
unzip the downloaded file in ssh and then theres another zip file in the extraction unzip it aswell
in step 1 in duplicator pro click the advanced tab and select manual extraction
Make a database in sentora call it zadmin_word and also make a user
Put these details into duplicator pro
Change your WP_config.php file to chmod to 777 (change it back to 644 when your done)
click next a few times and your done.
I searched high and low for a website cloner that worked Duplicator pro actually did although it wont unzip or make new databases you must do that manually.
You can also change your domain with this program. If you dont have ssh your going to have to do all the unzipping on your computer
Sentora didnt like the database maybey its because its uses older versions of packages like phpmyadmin ? Not sure but theres more then 1 way to skin a cat.
I tried a dozen plugins for wordpress that dont work (I have a multisite setup so its hard)
Duplicator Pro by snapcreek dot com actully worked although not without difficulty
Steps -
use Duplicator Pro to make your backup - ditch any huge files you might have first
zip up your directory it saved it in with cpanel
use wget to get your file from the oldserver to the new server - wget "http://example.com/backup.zip" it will dump it in the current directory your in so cd to the public_html
unzip the downloaded file in ssh and then theres another zip file in the extraction unzip it aswell
in step 1 in duplicator pro click the advanced tab and select manual extraction
Make a database in sentora call it zadmin_word and also make a user
Put these details into duplicator pro
Change your WP_config.php file to chmod to 777 (change it back to 644 when your done)
click next a few times and your done.
I searched high and low for a website cloner that worked Duplicator pro actually did although it wont unzip or make new databases you must do that manually.
You can also change your domain with this program. If you dont have ssh your going to have to do all the unzipping on your computer