I am quite new to this hosting stuff, and i'm trying to make web hosting for my friends and family on a VPS, everything installed OK and successful.
But, my question is, how can people do nameservers for like ns1.mydomain.pw or ns2.hosting24.pw, this is what i do not understand, i have done this via Cloudflare as nameserver configuration http://prntscr.com/950fet and it doesn't seem to work.
Please help
I am quite new to this hosting stuff, and i'm trying to make web hosting for my friends and family on a VPS, everything installed OK and successful.
But, my question is, how can people do nameservers for like ns1.mydomain.pw or ns2.hosting24.pw, this is what i do not understand, i have done this via Cloudflare as nameserver configuration http://prntscr.com/950fet and it doesn't seem to work.
Please help