So I've set up a new server, installed sentora on Debian 12 using a slightly modified script. Apart from a slight scripting error it seemed to go through the installation fine. But despite having a subdomain pointing to my sentora control paneland the dns set up correctly, my domain or control panel wont load?? I know there is a way of changing the control panel domain as I've done it before and it worked but I ca't remember where it is. Can anyone tell me what I'm doing wrong that the domain wont load?? I can ping the domain and it comes back fine but when I try to load it in firefox it times out. Any info would be helpful.
\why won't my domains load?
I've checked on dns checker and it looks fine but wont resolve in my browser. Is there anything else I can check?
(08-06-2024, 08:52 PM)kevwebbie Wrote: I've checked on dns checker and it looks fine but wont resolve in my browser. Is there anything else I can check? Sentora is not yet released for Debian 12. There may be many more issues than what you are experiencing. Jettaman may be able to provide more information regarding the Debian install.
Right I got it installed on debian 12.only problem is it isnt showing up on the subdomain Is there anything I can do on the server to help this? The last time I tried installing it port 443 closed for some reason??
(08-19-2024, 10:41 PM)kevwebbie Wrote: Right I got it installed on debian 12.only problem is it isnt showing up on the subdomain Is there anything I can do on the server to help this? The last time I tried installing it port 443 closed for some reason?? I'm not sure since I haven't tested it out on Deb 12 yet. Is your DNS setup properly? Did it work with http?
Right, I've worked out the problem is my vhosts.conf file. Is there an example of how this should look for sentora?
(09-06-2024, 08:47 PM)kevwebbie Wrote: Right, I've worked out the problem is my vhosts.conf file. Is there an example of how this should look for sentora? I am not sure, Sentora is not yet working/released for Debian or Ubuntu 24.04 (php8) and your current install Sentora code is set to work on Ubuntu 20.04. We have not yet released the php 8 Debian/Ubuntu version. We have not yet completely tested the Debian/Ubuntu php 8 version yet. You are trying to run code that is not yet updated for your OS. |
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