I have written a quick tutorial on how to secure your Sentora Control Panel with SSLForFree SSL Certificates.
This is a quick tutorial and im just demostrating how i use these certificates for my panel and websites and the tutorial is designed for CentOS 6 Minimal If ive missed anything let me know as i was rushed.
Securing Sentora Panel via SSLForFree
This guide is designed for CentOS 6 Minimal
Step 1: Install Sentora once installed follow this guide.
Step 2: Login to your server via SSH using Putty
Step 3: Install OpenSSL and Mod_SSL using the following commands:
OpenSSL: yum install openssl
Mod_SSL: yum install mod_ssl
Once this is complete resart apache using service httpd restart
Step 4: Login to your server using FlashFXP or SFTP using FTP/SSH port 22 with your servers root username and password
Step 5: Once logged in go to /etc/sentora/panel/ and create a new folder named .well-known inside this folder create another folder called acme-challenge.
Once this is comple your full path should be /etc/sentora/pane/.well-known/acme-challenge/
Step 6: Go to https://www.sslforfree.com and create a new domain ie:panel.domain.com (yourdomain.com/panel) and click Manual Verfication and download your verification key (do not close your browser window).
Step 7: Upload this downloaded verification key to /etc/sentora/panel/.well-known/acme-challenge/ once this is done go back to the start SSL Page and click the verification link, Upon clicking this link it should take you to panel.yourdomain.com/obsecureverificationkey (random letters and numbers)
Step 8: Once step 7 is complete download your SSL Certificate and extract the SSLforFree.zip file, Inside this folder you will have three (3) files one cerificate, one private and one bundle (we are only going to use the Cerificate.crt and Private.key files)
For ease of use please rename the certificate.crt and private.key files to panel_domain_com_certificate.crt and panel_domain_com_private.key this is to just keep others ssl certificates seperate and easier to find when you add more later.
Step 9: With these files downloaded and renamed upload the panel_domain_com.crt to /etc/pki/tls/certs/ and upload the panel_domain_com_private.key to /etc/pki/tls/private/
Then go to /etc/httpd/conf.d/ and download your ssl.conf file.
Step 10: Open your newly downloaded ssl.conf file with WordPanel and scroll down to the bottom and add the following replacing with your details:
NameVirtualHost serverip:443
<VirtualHost serverip:443>
ServerName panel.domain.com
ServerAlias panel.domain.com
DocumentRoot /etc/sentora/panel/
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/panel_domain_com_certificate.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/panel_domain_com_private.key
and save your new ssl.conf and reupload replacing your current ssl.conf file.
Step 11: go back to putty and restart your apache with service httpd restart if everything went well your with an OK resart once done open your browser and go to https://panel.domain.com and your panel should be secured via SSL
This is a quick tutorial and im just demostrating how i use these certificates for my panel and websites and the tutorial is designed for CentOS 6 Minimal If ive missed anything let me know as i was rushed.
Securing Sentora Panel via SSLForFree
This guide is designed for CentOS 6 Minimal
Step 1: Install Sentora once installed follow this guide.
Step 2: Login to your server via SSH using Putty
Step 3: Install OpenSSL and Mod_SSL using the following commands:
OpenSSL: yum install openssl
Mod_SSL: yum install mod_ssl
Once this is complete resart apache using service httpd restart
Step 4: Login to your server using FlashFXP or SFTP using FTP/SSH port 22 with your servers root username and password
Step 5: Once logged in go to /etc/sentora/panel/ and create a new folder named .well-known inside this folder create another folder called acme-challenge.
Once this is comple your full path should be /etc/sentora/pane/.well-known/acme-challenge/
Step 6: Go to https://www.sslforfree.com and create a new domain ie:panel.domain.com (yourdomain.com/panel) and click Manual Verfication and download your verification key (do not close your browser window).
Step 7: Upload this downloaded verification key to /etc/sentora/panel/.well-known/acme-challenge/ once this is done go back to the start SSL Page and click the verification link, Upon clicking this link it should take you to panel.yourdomain.com/obsecureverificationkey (random letters and numbers)
Step 8: Once step 7 is complete download your SSL Certificate and extract the SSLforFree.zip file, Inside this folder you will have three (3) files one cerificate, one private and one bundle (we are only going to use the Cerificate.crt and Private.key files)
For ease of use please rename the certificate.crt and private.key files to panel_domain_com_certificate.crt and panel_domain_com_private.key this is to just keep others ssl certificates seperate and easier to find when you add more later.
Step 9: With these files downloaded and renamed upload the panel_domain_com.crt to /etc/pki/tls/certs/ and upload the panel_domain_com_private.key to /etc/pki/tls/private/
Then go to /etc/httpd/conf.d/ and download your ssl.conf file.
Step 10: Open your newly downloaded ssl.conf file with WordPanel and scroll down to the bottom and add the following replacing with your details:
NameVirtualHost serverip:443
<VirtualHost serverip:443>
ServerName panel.domain.com
ServerAlias panel.domain.com
DocumentRoot /etc/sentora/panel/
SSLEngine on
SSLCertificateFile /etc/pki/tls/certs/panel_domain_com_certificate.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/pki/tls/private/panel_domain_com_private.key
and save your new ssl.conf and reupload replacing your current ssl.conf file.
Step 11: go back to putty and restart your apache with service httpd restart if everything went well your with an OK resart once done open your browser and go to https://panel.domain.com and your panel should be secured via SSL