(08-13-2014, 12:35 PM)smccarthy945 Wrote: So let me get this straight. Because the Zpanel team signed a bad business deal I am out my priority support fee. Someone got that money and is keeping it. I paid for a product for 1 year and now you guys are telling me I am out my fee because of some behind the scenes ownership dispute I had no control over?
How hard is it for you to grandfather in my support fee to this new project to honor the people who supported ZPanel? I have to tell you I am really going to feel slighted here if you guys don't grandfather in the priority support from ZPanel to this project.
Part of the reason I bought that support was to support ZPanel. I love the product and it is excellent. Don't alienate your biggest supporters because of something your priority support customers had no control over.
This doesn't prevent you get normal and free support here in sentora!
The priority one support is again zpanel current team problem. We are volonteer, donating a lot of time for the project and premium support in sentora first target is to pay the bills!
For me how I would honor a payment you made to a project we are no longer involved and we forked to get it moving as it was stalling while I NEVER GOT a cent from zpanel old team?
The failure is zpanel current project owners, so why we should take the blame over that?

And once again if you have any issue you are welcome and try asking here.
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