(12-18-2018, 08:51 PM)kevwebbie Wrote: Hi Keith,
Yes, I tried to create a new home directory. Also, I believe this is the installation script I used for it:
I may have changed a line or two around the "this operating system is not supported" area in order to get it installed on Debian Jessie but I can't remember. I usually document all of my installs, especially when I'm doing something new, but I think I was in a hurry on this one for whatever reason.
Also, the server is using php5.6 as the Apps on the server are built in that version. I haven't moved up to php7 just yet.
Ok well Sentora isn't supported on PHP 7 yet so that's good

That is the latest install script, not the official release, and it still has some bugs and issues from what I remember. I'll have a play around with Debian Jessie and see if I have the same issues - but I might not get onto it straight away so give me a couple of weeks - unless someone else can help you out quicker
