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[HOW TO] How to secure your sentora panel with SSL (HTTPS) easy guide
RE: [HOW TO] How to secure your sentora panel with SSL (HTTPS) easy guide
I've done my best to translate this procedure to CentOS 6.8 but have failed. It appears from the error holding apache up from starting indicates I have multiple entries pointing/bound to port 443, but tentatively commenting any or all of them out seems to little to nothing and I get a critical apache error that will not allow the panel or an instance of Apache to run.

# service httpd start:
Starting httpd: [Tue Nov 15 16:12:16 2016] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 443, the first has precedence
(98)Address already in use: make_sock: could not bind to address [::]:443

# apachectl configtest
[Tue Nov 15 16:14:25 2016] [warn] _default_ VirtualHost overlap on port 443, the first has precedence
Syntax OK

grep -ir 443 /etc/httpd/conf*
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:Listen 443
/etc/httpd/conf.d/ssl.conf:<VirtualHost _default_:443>

apachectl configtest

ran fine during that part of the tutorial initially...

I don't know what to do to progress with this issue. Can anyone give me a hand troubleshooting this? It is likely I have screwed up and commented out the panel url but I am going to start over proofing the process - although since I have done this a number of times and always ended up with this error, I am not expecting to find a fix without some help - when set up just as in the post, I just get an additional error... Thanks in advance.
Everyone makes mistakes, but to truly screw up it takes the root password!
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RE: [HOW TO] How to secure your sentora panel with SSL (HTTPS) easy guide
This is an older version. You may want to review this newer tutorial:
-TGates - Project Council

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RE: [Thread moved] How to secure your sentora panel with SSL (HTTPS) easy guide
I have now posted my issue with using Let'sEncrypt to that forum thread, thanks.

(11-17-2016, 02:46 PM)TGates Wrote: This is an older version. You may want to review this newer tutorial:

Thank you for replying, but my sole purpose at this point is only to secure the panel subdomain and everything I have tried fails. The one you referred me to is the only one I have not tried as it is intended for the doc root.

I had really high hopes for the LetsEncrypt procedure, but that went pretty much like all of the other methods and simply breaks Apache. And it left me with nothing in any of the logs about the failure. Do you have any help on this procedure for me?

----> Let's Encrypt for Sentora Login

I got one method to work, but I had to comment the "Listen *:443" and such at the top of the file as it was not letting Apache bind to any ports for they were already in use; it then kept adding them back at every cron job execution. Just a thought, could this be the bug I saw noted about CentOS loading additional configs?

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks.

(platform is CentOS 6.8...)
Everyone makes mistakes, but to truly screw up it takes the root password!
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