Okay now this works, I want to enable the same thing for my domain i have in my sentora httpd-vhosts.conf. (i do this with the panel as required)
Just a suggestion would be to do this on default, it is very weird to have non-ssl websites nowdays, especially since google is going to rank websites higher using ssl sooner or later. (rumor) and that this is very hard to setup for each domain that you add and in case you have customers or use this packet for resellers you can't expect them to go through all this trouble.
Why doesn't sentora open up port 443 by default?

with self signed certificates at least.
Anyway, to continue. I have a domain added to sentura.
I go to Control Panel, Module admin, Apache Config, and I go to ovverride a Virtual Host setting.
I select the domain I want to overwrite, and I want both port 80 and 443 to work with that domain...
The tutorial on this forum expects all traffic to be enabled over SSL. I don't want that, I only want certain urls to be SSL... so I am trying to do a custom entry without changing the normal virtual host one.. is that even possible?
So not a override but an addition for ssl?