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How to setup secondary name server
RE: How to setup secondary name server

I'm running a zpanel (for now) with Bind in master/slave (multiserver) configuration and auto zone file sync.

Solution I've used is a simple passwordless (cert exchange) rsync connection from slave server to master, where i check for new zone files every 5min (cron). After new domain is added on master, slave server grabs the new file, corrects the permissions and refreshes bind service on slave server.

If U're interested, i can upload .sh file.
Thanks given by: TGates , R0Bzombie
RE: How to setup secondary name server
I would be interested, please send it my way Smile
(12-20-2014, 08:09 AM)paknet Wrote: Hi,

I'm running a zpanel (for now) with Bind in master/slave (multiserver) configuration and auto zone file sync.

Solution I've used is a simple passwordless (cert exchange) rsync connection from slave server to master, where i check for new zone files every 5min (cron). After new domain is added on master, slave server grabs the new file, corrects the permissions and refreshes bind service on slave server.

If U're interested, i can upload .sh file.

I would be interested, please send it my way Smile
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RE: How to setup secondary name server
(12-20-2014, 08:09 AM)paknet Wrote: Hi,

I'm running a zpanel (for now) with Bind in master/slave (multiserver) configuration and auto zone file sync.

Solution I've used is a simple passwordless (cert exchange) rsync connection from slave server to master, where i check for new zone files every 5min (cron). After new domain is added on master, slave server grabs the new file, corrects the permissions and refreshes bind service on slave server.

If U're interested, i can upload .sh file.

Yes, I too would be interested in this very much so. Please upload the .sh file for us to peruse.
Everyone makes mistakes, but to truly screw up it takes the root password!
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RE: How to setup secondary name server

sry for delay. I'm almost at the end with server migration. We've decided to migrate all of our servers to Blades so I'm kinda busy =).
Please hold on for another day or two and I promise i will write the whole procedure from start to end. Scripts included.
Thanks given by: R0Bzombie , Blooddarkness
RE: How to setup secondary name server
paknet, are you going to upload multiserver .sh for Sentora?
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RE: How to setup secondary name server
Guys be patient haha
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RE: How to setup secondary name server
How is this settings going to be updated?
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RE: How to setup secondary name server
Here’s how we do DNS master slave auto replication… or better… slave —> master pull replication


On master DNS server we need to generate Bind slave zone file for rsync to fetch it from slave DNS server.

Than we need to set passwordless authentication between slave and master server. To do that we need to create and exchange private SSH keys (slave —> master).

Third part is rsyncing zone file(s) via secure socket from master to slave. After that we only need to reload bind service and we are done.

Step by step guide…

Master DNS server

Create folder for executable script
mkdir /root/bin
Create sh file, copy paste the content and set the “x” bit
vi /root/bin/
Copy/Paste/change IP/save the following (Change the MASTER-SERVER-IP!!!)
# Print out all domains listed in Sentora named.conf.
for domain in `/bin/grep ^zone /etc/sentora/configs/bind/etc/named.conf | grep -v '"."' | grep -vi in-addr | /bin/awk '{print $2}'| /bin/awk -F\" '{print $2}'`

# Print out all domains listed in zPanel named.conf.
# for domain in `/bin/grep ^zone /etc/zpanel/configs/bind/etc/named.conf | grep -v '"."' | grep -vi in-addr | /bin/awk '{print $2}'| /bin/awk -F\" '{print $2}'`

       # Generate Bind slave zone file with correct master DNS IP.
       /usr/bin/printf "zone \"${domain}\" {\n\ttype slave;\n\tfile \"slaves/${domain}.zone\";\n\tmasters { MASTER-SERVER-IP; };\n};\n"

       # Write the file in exchange foder
       done > /root/named_slave_zones_transfer/named.conf.slave.zones
Set the eXecute bit
chmod a+x /root/bin/

Create zone exchange folder
mkdir /root/named_slave_zones_transfer

Run the script and check generated file contents
cat /root/named_slave_zones_transfer/named.conf.slave.zones
You should see something like this…
zone “” {
   type slave;
   file "slaves/";
   masters { MASTER-SERVER-IP; };

Add script to crontab… 
crontab -e
Copy/paste/save the following. Script will be executed every 5 minutes. Change this according to your needs
# Named slave zone generator
*/5 * * * * /root/bin/

Add Slave DNS server to acl trusted-servers pool in named.conf
vi /etc/named.conf
Modify the following … (add the SLAVE-SERVER-IP). Without this line Bind zone transfer from Slave DNS server will fail!!!
acl trusted-servers {
   MASTER-SERVER-IP;     // ns1
   SLAVE-SERVER-IP;      // ns2

Install rsync
yum install rsync

Slave DNS server

Create public and private keys using ssh-keygen on slave server
Confirm default file name to save the key and leave empty passphrase. 
This will generate the following files
ll /root/.ssh/id*
-rw------- 1 root root 1.7K Feb  6 00:33 /root/.ssh/id_rsa
-rw-r--r-- 1 root root  403 Feb  6 00:33 /root/.ssh/
Tighten up file permissions
chmod 700 /root/.ssh
chmod 600 /root/.ssh/*
ls -ld /root/.ssh & ls -l /root/.ssh
Now copy the public key to the master server and fix permissions (you will be prompted for the root password)
ssh root@MASTER-SERVER-IP 'mkdir -p /root/.ssh'
scp /root/.ssh/ root@MASTER-SERVER-IP:/root/.ssh/authorized_keys
ssh root@MASTER-SERVER-IP 'chmod  700 /root/.ssh'
ssh root@MASTER-SERVER-IP 'chmod  600 /root/.ssh/*'
You should now be able to ssh from slave to master server without providing a password

On Slave DNS server install rsync package
yum install rsync
create folder for executable script
mkdir /root/bin
Create sh file, copy paste the content and set the “x” bit
vi /root/bin/
Copy/Paste/change IP/save the following (Change the MASTER-SERVER-IP and MASTER-HOSTNAME!!!)

# tmp direcotry

# Create dir if not exists
if [ ! -d "$DIRECTORY" ]; then
   mkdir $DIRECTORY

# Rsync via ssh from master to slave
/usr/bin/rsync -e ssh root@MASTER-SERVER-IP:/root/named_slave_zones_transfer/named.conf.slave.zones .

if [ $? -eq 0 ]
       # Copy zone file to bind zone slave folder and rename it
       /bin/cp -u named.conf.slave.zones /var/named/slaves/slave-zones-MASTER-HOSTNAME.conf
       # Change ownership permissions
       /bin/chown root.named /var/named/slaves/slave-zones-MASTER-HOSTNAME.conf
       # Change file permissions
       /bin/chmod 644 /var/named/slaves/slave-zones-MASTER-HOSTNAME.conf
       # Reload Bind (named) - CENTOS 6
       /sbin/service named reload
       # Reload Bind (named) - CENTOS 7
       # /usr/sbin/service named reload
       echo "Slave zone file download failed."
Set the eXecute bit
chmod a+x /root/bin/
Include the slave zone file in named.conf
vi /etc/named.conf
On the end of the file add the following line (change the hostname)
include "/var/named/slaves/slave-zones-MASTER-HOSTNAME.conf";
Run the sh script
Check the messages log file. You should see something like
zone Transfer started.
transfer of ‘' from MASTER-SERVER-IPCool site...: connected using SLAVE-SERVER-IP#49764
zone transferred serial 000000000
transfer of ‘' from MASTER-SERVER-IPCool site...: Transfer completed:

Last step… edit the crontab
crontab -e
and add
# Named - Fetch slave zones from master
*/5 * * * * /root/bin/

This was tested in Centos 6/7 environment, but with minor changes it should also work on Ubuntu.

Thats it. Hope it helps.
Thanks given by: Me.B , ryucz , Blooddarkness , s0rk
RE: How to setup secondary name server
Good one. But the optimal would be to flag the new added zones/deleted would be more efficient I think.

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Freelance AWS Certified Architect & SysOps// DevOps

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RE: How to setup secondary name server
In some VPS providers, have a resource named "virtual private network". Isn't better use this network to transfer data from master to slave? I think that doesn't use bandwidth quota.
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