Hi Sentora users
Here i put the ZXTS's controlled updated to sentora core
With this modifications the blank page be resolved
Here i put the ZXTS's controlled updated to sentora core
PHP Code:
* ZPanel - A Cross-Platform Open-Source Web Hosting Control panel.
* @package ZPanel
* @version $Id$
* @author Bobby Allen - ballen@zpanelcp.com
* @copyright (c) 2008-2011 ZPanel Group - http://www.zpanelcp.com/
* @license http://opensource.org/licenses/gpl-3.0.html GNU Public License v3
* This program (ZPanel) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
* it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
* the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
* but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
* along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
The below module was made by Sam Mottley and it to be used for ZPanelX and ZPanelX ONLY!!!
ZPanel Forum Username: Motters
Website: SamMottley.co.uk
Email SMottley@ZPanelCP.com or Info@SamMottley.co.uk
class module_controller {
static $ok;
static $message;
static $messageType;
* Here we set the ZXTS api address
* @Author Sam Mottley
static function getZxtsApi(){
$apiAddress = 'http://sammottley.co.uk/ZPanel/ZXTS/ZXTSExport.php?';
return $apiAddress;
* Here we will retrive the data and format it into an array
* @Author Sam Mottley
static function dataRetrieval($Type,$search=NULL){
$zxtsApi = new xml_reader(fs_filehandler::ReadFileContents(self::getZxtsApi().$Type.$search));
$responce = $zxtsApi->document->responce[0]->tagData;
case 1: //successfull
if($Type == 'listLanuages'){
$totalLanuages = $zxtsApi->document->total[0]->tagData - 1;
if($totalLanuages != -1){
for($i=0; $i<=$totalLanuages; $i++){
$n = $i+1;
$lanuages[$n]['name'] = $zxtsApi->document->lanuage[$i]->tagChildren[0]->tagData;
$lanuages[$n]['percentage'] = $zxtsApi->document->lanuage[$i]->tagChildren[1]->tagData;
$lanuages['status'] = 1;
return $lanuages;
$lanuages['langaugeTable'] = ui_language::translate('Sorry there are no avalible lanuages at the moment');
$lanuages['status'] = 1;
return $lanuages;
}else if($Type == 'Lanuage'){
$sqlCommands['addColumn'] = $zxtsApi->document->tagChildren[0]->tagData;
$sqlCommands['addTranslation'] = $zxtsApi->document->tagChildren[1]->tagData;
$sqlCommands['status'] = 1;
return $sqlCommands;
case 0: //Lanuage does not exsist
$Error = 0;
return $Error;
case 2: //empty get varable
$Error = 2;
return $Error;
return $responce;
} catch (Exception $e) {
return '3';
*Here we see what lanuages are install and how complete they are
static function languageInstalledPercentage($lanuage){
global $zdbh;
$translations = ui_language::GetColumnNames('x_translations');
$Present = 0;
$Total = 0;
$result = '';
foreach ($translations as $translationInfo) {
$u = $translationInfo;
if (($translationInfo != 'tr_id_pk')&&($translationInfo != 'tr_en_pk')) {
if($translationInfo == $lanuage){
$translation = $zdbh->prepare("SELECT * FROM `x_translations`");
$arrayTranslation = $translation->fetchAll();
foreach($arrayTranslation as $number => $translationLine){
if(($translationLine[$lanuage] != '')&&($translationLine[$lanuage] != NULL)){
$numberTranslations = $Present;
$percentage = $Present / $Total * 100;
$roundPercentage = round($percentage, 2);
$result = $roundPercentage;
if($result == ''){
$result = 'NO';
return $result;
*Capture the appy symbolic support post
static function doApplySymbolicSupport(){
global $zdbh;
global $controller;
//$formVarables = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('FORM');
if (self::ExecuteApplySymbolicSupport()){
return true;
return false;
*Capture the remove symbolic support post
static function doRemoveSymbolicSupport(){
global $zdbh;
global $controller;
//$formVarables = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('FORM');
if (self::ExecuteRemoveSymbolicSupport()){
return true;
return false;
*Capture the install language post
static function doInstallLanuage(){
global $zdbh;
global $controller;
$formVarables = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('FORM');
if (self::ExecuteInstallLanuage($formVarables['inlanguage'])){
return true;
return false;
*Capture the un-install language post
static function doUnInstallLanuage(){
global $zdbh;
global $controller;
$formVarables = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('FORM');
if (self::ExecuteUnInstallLanuage($formVarables['inLanguage1'])){
return true;
return false;
static function ExecuteApplySymbolicSupport(){
global $zdbh;
global $controller;
//Below we add the Collation
$checkCollation = "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `sentora_core` LIKE 'x_translations'";
$checkCollation = $zdbh->prepare($checkCollation);
$tableInformation = $checkCollation->fetchAll();
if($tableInformation[0]['Collation'] == 'utf8_general_ci'){
//Table collation is using UTF so we are ok
$ErrorReport['table'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('Database tables character and collate were already using UTF8');
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_translations` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_accounts` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_aliases` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_bandwidth` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_cronjobs` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_distlists` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_distlistusers` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_dns` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_faqs` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_forwarders` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_ftpaccounts` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_groups` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_htaccess` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_logs` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_mailboxes` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_modcats` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_modules` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_mysql` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_mysql_databases` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_mysql_dbmap` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_mysql_users` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_packages` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_permissions` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_profiles` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_quotas` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_settings` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_vhosts` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET utf8 COLLATE utf8_general_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$ErrorReport['table'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0"> Database tables character and collate is now UTF8';
//Below we add that the driver.class.php has the php additons
$driverDb = fs_filehandler::ReadFileContents('dryden/db/driver.class.php');
if(preg_match('/public function query\(\$query\)\s{\s*try\s{\s*\$FIXSql1 = "set character_set_server=\'utf8\'";\s*\$FIXSql2 = "set names \'utf8\'";\s*\$FIX = parent::query\(\$FIXSql1\);\s*\$FIX2 = parent::query\(\$FIXSql2\);/', $driverDb)){
//Do knowthing as the php addtions is already there
$test = 1;
$ErrorReport['databaseDriver'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">Database driver already has the addition code that is needed';
$newDriverDb = preg_replace('/public function query\(\$query\)\s{\s*try\s{\s*/', 'public function query($query) { try { $FIXSql1 = "set character_set_server=\'utf8\'"; $FIXSql2 = "set names \'utf8\'"; $FIX = parent::query($FIXSql1); $FIX2 = parent::query($FIXSql2); ', $driverDb);
if(fs_filehandler::UpdateFile('dryden/db/driver.class.php', 0777, $newDriverDb)){
$test = 2;
$ErrorReport['databaseDriver'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('Database driver now has the addition code that is needed');
$test = 3;
$ErrorReport['databaseDriver'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/down.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('ERROR: Could not edit the file dryden/db/driver.class.php');
//Below we add that the template is utf8
$templateCode = fs_filehandler::ReadFileContents('etc\styles\Sentora_Default\master.ztml');
if(!strstr($templateCode, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />')){
$newTemplateCode = str_replace('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">', '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />', $templateCode);
if(fs_filehandler::UpdateFile('etc\styles\Sentora_Default\master.ztml', 0777, $newTemplateCode)){
$ErrorReport['templateTag'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('Template now supports UTF8');
$ErrorReport['templateTag'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/down.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('ERROR: Could not edit the file etc\styles\Sentora_Default\master.ztml');
$ErrorReport['templateTag'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('Template already supports UTF8');
//Make message
$report = '';
foreach($ErrorReport as $titleError => $descriptionError){
$report .= $descriptionError . '<br/>';
self::$ok = 3;
self::$message = $report;
self::$messageType = 'zannounceok';
return true;
static function ExecuteRemoveSymbolicSupport(){
global $zdbh;
global $controller;
//Below we add the Collation
$checkCollation = "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `sentora_core` LIKE 'x_translations'";
$checkCollation = $zdbh->prepare($checkCollation);
$tableInformation = $checkCollation->fetchAll();
if($tableInformation[0]['Collation'] == 'latin1_swedish_ci'){
//Table collation is using UTF so we are ok
$ErrorReport['table'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('Database tables character and collate were already at there default latin1_swedish_ci');
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_translations` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_accounts` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_aliases` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_bandwidth` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_cronjobs` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_distlists` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_distlistusers` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_dns` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_faqs` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_forwarders` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_ftpaccounts` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_groups` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_htaccess` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_logs` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_mailboxes` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_modcats` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_modules` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_mysql` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_mysql_databases` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_mysql_dbmap` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_mysql_users` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_packages` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_permissions` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_profiles` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_quotas` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_settings` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$changeCollation = "ALTER TABLE `x_vhosts` CONVERT TO CHARACTER SET latin1 COLLATE latin1_swedish_ci;";
$changeCollation = $zdbh->prepare($changeCollation);
$ErrorReport['table'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('Database tables character and collate are now back to there default latin1_swedish_ci');
//Change driver.class.php back to it's default
$driverDb = fs_filehandler::ReadFileContents('dryden/db/driver.class.php');
if(preg_match('/public function query\(\$query\)\s{\s*try\s{\s*\$FIXSql1 = "set character_set_server=\'utf8\'";\s*\$FIXSql2 = "set names \'utf8\'";\s*\$FIX = parent::query\(\$FIXSql1\);\s*\$FIX2 = parent::query\(\$FIXSql2\);/', $driverDb)){
//Remove the additional PHP
$newDriverDb = preg_replace('/public function query\(\$query\)\s{\s*try\s{\s*\$FIXSql1 = "set character_set_server=\'utf8\'";\s*\$FIXSql2 = "set names \'utf8\'";\s*\$FIX = parent::query\(\$FIXSql1\);\s*\$FIX2 = parent::query\(\$FIXSql2\);/', 'public function query($query) { try { ', $driverDb);
if(fs_filehandler::UpdateFile('dryden/db/driver.class.php', 0777, $newDriverDb)){
$ErrorReport['databaseDriver'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('Database driver now has the addition code removed');
$ErrorReport['databaseDriver'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/down.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('ERROR: Could not edit the file dryden/db/driver.class.php');
//Code could not be found maybe it's already been removed
$ErrorReport['databaseDriver'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('Database driver addition code could not be found it may of already been removed');
//Now we return the template back to
$templateCode = fs_filehandler::ReadFileContents('etc\styles\Sentora_Default\master.ztml');
if(strstr($templateCode, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />')){
$newTemplateCode = str_replace('<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />', '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=ISO-8859-1">', $templateCode);
if(fs_filehandler::UpdateFile('etc\styles\Sentora_Default\master.ztml', 0777, $newTemplateCode)){
$ErrorReport['templateTag'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('Template now returned to using the default charset of ISO-8859-1');
$ErrorReport['templateTag'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/down.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('ERROR: Could not edit the file etc\styles\Sentora_Default\master.ztml');
$ErrorReport['templateTag'] = '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/up.gif" border="0">'.ui_language::translate('Template already using the default charset of ISO-8859-1');
//Make message
$report = '';
foreach($ErrorReport as $titleError => $descriptionError){
$report .= $descriptionError . '<br/>';
self::$ok = 4;
self::$message = $report;
self::$messageType = 'zannounceok';
return true;
static function ExecuteInstallLanuage($language){
global $zdbh;
global $controller;
$languageInfo = self::dataRetrieval('Lanuage', '=tr_'.$language.'_tx');
if($languageInfo['status'] == 1){
$currentTranslations = ui_language::GetColumnNames('x_translations');
if(!in_array('tr_'.$language.'_tx', $currentTranslations)){
$AddColumn = $languageInfo['addColumn'];
$AddColumn = $zdbh->prepare($AddColumn);
$AddTranlation = str_replace("NULLWHEN '", "NULL WHEN '", str_replace("'WHEN '", "' WHEN '",$languageInfo['addTranslation']));
$AddTranlation = $zdbh->prepare($AddTranlation);
self::$ok = 1;
self::$message = ui_language::translate('Translations was added successfully');
self::$messageType = 'zannounceok';
return true;
self::$ok = 1;
self::$message = ui_language::translate('Could not find language');
self::$messageType = 'zannounceerror';
return false;
self::$ok = 1;
self::$message = ui_language::translate('Could not contact ZXTS');
self::$messageType = 'zannounceerror';
return false;
static function ExecuteUnInstallLanuage($language){
global $zdbh;
global $controller;
$currentTranslations = ui_language::GetColumnNames('x_translations');
if(in_array('tr_'.$language.'_tx', $currentTranslations)){
$languageDatabaseName = 'tr_'.$language.'_tx';
$removeLanuage = "ALTER TABLE `x_translations` DROP `$languageDatabaseName`";
$removeLanuage = $zdbh->prepare($removeLanuage);
self::$ok = 2;
self::$message = ui_language::translate('Lanuage remove successfully from ZPanelX');
self::$messageType = 'zannounceok';
return true;
self::$ok = 2;
self::$message = ui_language::translate('Lanuage could not be found on your ZPanelX server maybe it has already been deleted');
self::$messageType = 'zannounceerror';
return false;
static function getResult() {
if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(self::$ok)) {
case 1:
return ui_sysmessage::shout(self::$message, self::$messageType);
case 2:
return ui_sysmessage::shout(self::$message, self::$messageType);
case 3:
return ui_sysmessage::shout(self::$message, self::$messageType);
case 4:
return ui_sysmessage::shout(self::$message, self::$messageType);
return; //return nothing so it will show something durrr ;)
static function SymbolicLanguageSupportStatus(){
global $zdbh;
//Below we check the Collation
$checkCollation = "SHOW TABLE STATUS FROM `sentora_core` LIKE 'x_translations'";
$checkCollation = $zdbh->prepare($checkCollation);
$tableInformation = $checkCollation->fetchAll();
if($tableInformation[0]['Collation'] == 'utf8_general_ci'){
$check[] = 1;
$check[] = 0;
//Below we check that the driver.class.php has the php additons
$driverDb = fs_filehandler::ReadFileContents('dryden/db/driver.class.php');
if(!strstr($driverDb, '$FIXSql1 = "set character_set_server=\'utf8\'";')){
$check[] = 0;
if(!strstr($driverDb, '$FIXSql2 = "set names \'utf8\'";')){
$check[] = 0;
if(!strstr($driverDb, '$FIX = parent::query($FIXSql1);')){
$check[] = 0;
if(!strstr($driverDb, '$FIX2 = parent::query($FIXSql2);')){
$check[] = 0;
//Below we check that the template is utf8
$templateCode = fs_filehandler::ReadFileContents('etc\styles\Sentora_Default\master.ztml');
if(!strstr($templateCode, '<meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=utf-8" />')){
$check[] = 0;
//Make the deisition
return ui_language::translate('Symbolic Language Support is <strong>NOT</strong> currently applied');
return ui_language::translate('Symbolic Language Support is currently applied');
static function getApplySymbolicLanguageFix(){
$Table = '<h2>'.ui_language::translate('Apply Symbolic Language Support').'</h2>';
$Table .= '<h4>'.ui_language::translate('Explanation').'</h4>
<p>'.ui_language::translate('In ZPanelX there are a few tasks that need to be undertook for ZPanelX to support symbolic lanuages. The below will handle all the task for you.').'</p>
<h4>'.ui_language::translate('Have Problems?').'</h4>
<ul style="margin-left:20px;">
<li>'.ui_language::translate('In an event that you update ZPanelX and the symbolic lanuages stop showing correctly just click Apply Symbolic Support button below and the languages should start to show properly again.').'</li>
<ul style="margin-left:40px; margin-bottom:10px;">
<li>'.ui_language::translate('If the lanaguages still do not show up properly then clikc the install button on the lanuage again').'</li>
<li>'.ui_language::translate('If you have installed an symbolic lanuage before appling the patch please first apply the patch by click Apply Symbolic Support button and then click the install button on the lanuage again.').'</li>
<tr height="30">
<th width="340">'.ui_language::translate('Symbolic Language Support Applied?').'</th>
<td><h4><span style="color: #D63333;">'.self::SymbolicLanguageSupportStatus().'</span></h4></td>
<tr height="30">
<th>'.ui_language::translate('Apply Symbolic Language Support: ').'</th>
<td><form action="./?module=ZXTS&action=ApplySymbolicSupport" method="post" id="a" name="a"><button class="fg-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all" id="button" type="submit" >'.ui_language::translate('Apply Symbolic Support').'</button></form> </td>
<tr height="30">
<th>'.ui_language::translate('Remove Symbolic Language Support: ').'</th>
<td><form action="./?module=ZXTS&action=RemoveSymbolicSupport" method="post" id="b" name="b"><button class="fg-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all" id="button" name="button" type="submit" >'.ui_language::translate('Remove Symbolic Support').'</button></form></td>
return $Table;
static function getBuildTableAvalibleLanguages(){
$getAvalibleLanuages = self::dataRetrieval('listLanuages','');
$buildTable = '';
foreach($getAvalibleLanuages as $number => $infomationArray){
if($number != 'status'){
$languageDatabase = "tr_".$infomationArray['name']."_tx";
$installedTranslations = self::languageInstalledPercentage($languageDatabase);
if($installedTranslations == 'NO'){
$CheckInstalled = ui_language::translate('Currently Not Installed!');
$CheckInstalled = '<img src="etc/lib/pChart2/sentora/zProgress.php?percent='.$installedTranslations.'&size=220::20"/>';
$buildTable .= '<tr>';//
$buildTable .= '<td width="190">'.$infomationArray['name'].'</td>';
$buildTable .= '<td width="300"><img src="etc/lib/pChart2/sentora/zProgress.php?percent='.$infomationArray['percentage'].'&size=220::20"/></td>';
$buildTable .= '<td width="300">'.$CheckInstalled.'</td>';
$buildTable .= '<td width="200"><form action="./?module=ZXTS&action=InstallLanuage" method="post"><input id="inlanguage" name="inlanguage" type="hidden" value="'.$infomationArray['name'].'"/><button class="fg-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all" id="button" type="submit" >'.ui_language::translate('Install or Update').'</button></form></td>';
$buildTable .= '<td width="200"><form action="./?module=ZXTS&action=UnInstallLanuage" method="post"><input id="inLanguage1" name="inLanguage1" type="hidden" value="'.$infomationArray['name'].'"/><button class="fg-button ui-state-default ui-corner-all" id="button" type="submit" >'.ui_language::translate('Un-Install Lanuage').'</button></form></td>';
$buildTable .= '</tr>';
$Table = '<h2>'.ui_language::translate('Avalible Lanuages').'</h2>';
$Table .= '<h4>'.ui_language::translate('PLEASE Read:').'</h4> <span style="color: #D63333;">'.ui_language::translate('The ZXTS will not have all translation for each language this is becuase it only support core module and not custome/additional ones though it will have the bulk of the translation. So if you install a lanuage that is 100% complete that is relative to core module so may not be 100% complete on your server.').'</span><br/><br/>';
$Table .= '<table class="zform">';
$Table .= '<tr>';
$Table .= '<th>'.ui_language::translate('Lanuges').'</th>';
$Table .= '<th>'.ui_language::translate('Percentage Complete').'</th>';
$Table .= '<th>'.ui_language::translate('Currently Installed').'</th>';
$Table .= '<th>'.ui_language::translate('Install or Update').'</th>';
$Table .= '<th>'.ui_language::translate('Un-Install Lanuage').'</th>';
$Table .= $buildTable;
$Table .= '</table>';
return $Table;
static function getModuleName() {
$module_name = ui_language::translate(ui_module::GetModuleName());
return $module_name;
static function getModuleDesc() {
$message = ui_language::translate("Here you can manage your lanuages, install new lanuages from ZXTS, and add support for symbolic lanuages.");
return $message;
static function getModuleIcon() {
global $controller;
$module_icon = "modules/" . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . "/assets/icon.png";
return $module_icon;
With this modifications the blank page be resolved