ryucz, the 0777 chmod isn't correctly! I think that chmod only be used for a some moments to install scripts, etc... And after, be changed for security reasons.
I do a ls to see the permissions of the bind logs directory at Sentora:
If the groups owner this directory have permissions to read and write, why the Sentora can't read? Because Sentora can write at the anothers folders...
I do a ls to see the permissions of the bind logs directory at Sentora:
root@rafatresbach:/home/rafaht# ls -l /var/sentora/logs/bind/
total 8
-rw-rw---- 1 bind root 4201 Fev 17 00:56 bind.log
-rw-rw---- 1 bind root 0 Fev 10 18:55 debug.log