Hopefully some of my work does help out with the official Sentora project! It's written in Bash so it will likely need to be re-written in PHP like the rest of Sentora. I'm more of a Bash and Python guy rather than PHP :-)
For setting up suEXEC in Apache it's as easy as adding this line to each user's vhost entry:
SuexecUserGroup USER USER
And if you are using RUID2 instead of suEXEC ("apache" may need to be changed to the Apache user used on your operating system):
RMode config
RGroups apache
The "USER" entry should be replaced with the actual Linux user. The hardest part would be the transition to using real Linux users which really shouldn't be too hard either to implement in a future release of the Sentora panel.
As for a one-liner install script for Sentora Secured, I have updated the README file for the project to include one and will copy it here as well. Remember, this is still in early development and is recommended for testing servers only. Use at your own risk!
Sentora Secured installer:
wget https://github.com/ekultails/sentorasecu...master.zip; unzip master.zip; cd ./sentorasecured-master/; sh install.sh
For setting up suEXEC in Apache it's as easy as adding this line to each user's vhost entry:
SuexecUserGroup USER USER
And if you are using RUID2 instead of suEXEC ("apache" may need to be changed to the Apache user used on your operating system):
RMode config
RGroups apache
The "USER" entry should be replaced with the actual Linux user. The hardest part would be the transition to using real Linux users which really shouldn't be too hard either to implement in a future release of the Sentora panel.
As for a one-liner install script for Sentora Secured, I have updated the README file for the project to include one and will copy it here as well. Remember, this is still in early development and is recommended for testing servers only. Use at your own risk!
Sentora Secured installer:
wget https://github.com/ekultails/sentorasecu...master.zip; unzip master.zip; cd ./sentorasecured-master/; sh install.sh
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