(10-28-2024, 01:10 PM)7rdoq Wrote: I'm using DO VPS, using 20 GB disk space, it's 70% now.
I want to increase space but "Resize" is double price, I dont want this.
So I intend to add more disk space by adding a new volume only, it's okay to do this?
This would create a new space storage on my VPS, then I just move old sites to new space / create new site on new space, then everything still works properly?
In vhost, I just point path to new storage then all will be fine, no problem with sentora or system?
Anyone advises please
Thank you
I don't believe creating a new volume will increase storage space. It will just partition a new 'drive' on the same storage space. I'd suggest downloading and saving any old or unused files to a local drive and making sure the log folders are being trimmed with log-rotate.