(11-09-2018, 01:51 AM)duckduckuk Wrote: Hey all, Just moved here from VestaCP and I love it. Thank you to all involved in Sentora.
I do have an issue though (sorry). I cant seem to access my sites without the www prefix. So far I'm keeping it pretty simple with http (no ssl).
I have generated the DNS records using Sentora's own auto generator but still nothing. Also, when I try to create a mailbox it says the domain isn't valid (related?).
I have found a few items on this forum regarding the mail issue but nothing regarding the www/http thingy.
Any help is appreciated - debian8 installed using this ... https://linuxhostsupport.com/blog/how-to...-debian-8/
Thanks Thanks,
Give us a domain so we have a clue - could be more than one thing.
PM it to me if you don't want to make it public and then I'll continue to respond on this thread.