(08-11-2018, 10:35 AM)TGates Wrote: NOTICE: This fix is not recommended or approved by the Sentora Team. Use at your own risk.
Changing the core code of Sentora is not the proper way to solve this!
There should already be an alias designated in the sub domain's httpd-vhost.conf entry when it is created, similar to:
Code:# DOMAIN: sub.domain.com
<virtualhost *:80>
ServerName sub.domain.com
ServerAlias www.sub.domain.com
ServerAdmin webmsater@domain.com
Which should be handling the call for www.domain.com. If your DNS is not proper, it will not work.
It didn’t added that alies for the subdomains automatically. I tried to add it manually while editing the vhost file. It worked but temporarily. When I ran the deamon it just resets back. So that’s how it worked for me and I am okay with it.