(01-13-2018, 01:44 PM)TGates Wrote: Hey buddy! Does LISTEN 80 exist in the httpd-vhosts.conf?
What is your default apache port? Did you change that to 443 instead of keeping it 80 and using forwards?
The LISTEN 80 is commented, and apache fails if you uncomment it.
Default apache port is 80 and every domain has overrides, well barring the zabbix install which since I did not install it from source, it is in /usr/share/zabbix.
I tried moving it (zabbix web frontend) out and can't get it to work in the hostdata path. I have been able to log in to zabbix using https and the server IP. - Less than desirable...
Everyone makes mistakes, but to truly screw up it takes the root password!