Check your log folder...
/var/logs/ and /var/sentora/logs/
If it is the logs filling up that quick, something is causing an excessive amount of logging. (But, In general the logs can get very big)
If by chance it is a log, and one is eating up 5gb in just a few days, then there is a serious problem on your server.
One of your websites could be compromised and somebody is uploading files to your server or a site has a LOT of errors being reported, especially if it is a high traffic site.
I'm not sure how you connect to your server, I use WinSCP which is like Filemanager. I can navigate through the folders and see the size of files and permissions and things like that. (And I do use it through SSH also, not just FTP).
If those logs are 'small', then check each domain's log folder. /var/sentora/logs/domains/
The answer is in the log files. It is not Sentora.
Regarding your mention of:
A quick Google search tells us that it is related to disk space:
/var/logs/ and /var/sentora/logs/
If it is the logs filling up that quick, something is causing an excessive amount of logging. (But, In general the logs can get very big)
If by chance it is a log, and one is eating up 5gb in just a few days, then there is a serious problem on your server.
One of your websites could be compromised and somebody is uploading files to your server or a site has a LOT of errors being reported, especially if it is a high traffic site.
I'm not sure how you connect to your server, I use WinSCP which is like Filemanager. I can navigate through the folders and see the size of files and permissions and things like that. (And I do use it through SSH also, not just FTP).
If those logs are 'small', then check each domain's log folder. /var/sentora/logs/domains/
The answer is in the log files. It is not Sentora.
Regarding your mention of:
Quote:reiserfs /dev/simfs (rw, usrquota, grpquota) - about 24gb , what is it?
A quick Google search tells us that it is related to disk space:
Quote:It means that your disk space on your VPS is getting full. /dev/simfs = your / = your VPS disk space. It could be an overall node issue, but it's more likely to be an issue specific to your VPS.I run my own server (Ubuntu 14,04) and have a 500gb HDD on it, With 12 sites, a Sentora zppy repo, a file mirror site and other development sites and a Battlefield 2 game server, I am still only using 12% of space and my server has been online for over 2 years in this current configuration. (I had a Sentora on Windows previously.)