(12-28-2016, 04:35 PM)fliphost Wrote: Rynoxx & TGates, Thanks for your response. Bad to know that sentora is not using username for recovering forgotten password.
I think the best workaround to solve this problem is by allocating each order of a user to different server in the server group.
Is there a way to automate this by checking the users current active orders and their server details, and then allocate the new order in a different server.
Hi fliphost, sadly that is not a feature that is available in WHMCS. A more feasible workaround is the aforementioned one, having WHMCS create a new package in Sentora for each user, which combines the benefits of previous packages. Unless that is an undesired end result.
Although this has some security implications, validating that the user is allowed to register using that email address and getting access to the previous account data on Sentora. And validating whether or not it is desired having that user activated etc again (if previously disabled/deleted, for whatever reason).
https://github.com/sentora/sentora-core/pull/155 and https://github.com/sentora/sentora-core/pull/262
Both provide very good reasoning as to why you wouldn't want the same email registered more than once.