(06-16-2016, 03:04 AM)lycuc Wrote: Here is a simple updated to the Sentastico old version, etc.. Wordpress package, osTicket package, .. and mor
Navigate to /etc/sentora/panel/modules/sentastico/packages upload source
In same folder, open packages.xml to change version
but Sentastico new version don't have packages.xml In same folder and packages older verson
How to update Packages in sentastico, as wordpress, and more?
Yes, the new version is totally different from previous versions. It now uses a central repository for the packages instead of having them all included in the module, to save install time and package size. Sentastico it's self is easy to maintain but to keep the packages up to date is a bit more difficult. And for the amount of installs (well over 200,000 since i took over its development, zpanel included) versus donations to maintain it, to be honest has been $0. I do try my best to keep the packages updated. I'll try and get the latest version of WP on the repo. On that note, I am still building a repo so that community members can log in and upload updated or new packages.
Out of all the 3rd party modules available, this one requires a lot of updating and work on a regular basis to try and keep the packages up to date.
If you would like to help out with adding updated or new packages, we can chat about that also
Thank you for your understanding.