It is hard-coded here: \modules\manage_clients\code\controller.ext.php line 695 (which is what shows up in the default email)
The "Your Sentora Account details" is also hard-coded here: \modules\manage_clients\module.zpm line: 253
I think there is an update pending on this to have it editable in the database. Me.B
DB entry:
Updated static function in /modules/manage_clients/code/controller.ext.php line 700:
I have tested this and seems to work OK (Ubuntu 14.04/Sentora 1.0.3)
The "Your Sentora Account details" is also hard-coded here: \modules\manage_clients\module.zpm line: 253
I think there is an update pending on this to have it editable in the database. Me.B
DB entry:
insert into `x_settings`(`so_id_pk`,`so_name_vc`,`so_cleanname_vc`,`so_value_tx`,`so_defvalues_tx`,`so_desc_tx`,`so_module_vc`,`so_usereditable_en`) values
(122,'welcome_message','Custom e-mail Welcome Message','Hi {{fullname}},
We are pleased to inform you that your new hosting account is now active!
You can access your web hosting control panel using this link: {{controlpanelurl}}
Your username and password is as follows:
Username: {{username}}
Password: {{password}}
Many thanks,
The management',NULL,'Here you can edit the Welcme Message e-mail','Sentora Config','true');
Updated static function in /modules/manage_clients/code/controller.ext.php line 700:
PHP Code:
static function DefaultEmailBody()
global $zdbh;
$sql = "SELECT so_value_tx FROM x_settings WHERE so_name_vc = :configName";
$numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql);
$numrows->bindValue(':configName', 'welcome_message');
$result = $numrows->fetch();
if ($result) {
return ($result['so_value_tx']);
} else {
return false;
I have tested this and seems to work OK (Ubuntu 14.04/Sentora 1.0.3)