(08-30-2014, 07:39 PM)Me.B Wrote: DNS server still running? This lookc like a DNS issue.
IF you are under ddos try using cloudflare.
(08-30-2014, 07:40 PM)Diablo925 Wrote: Try you public ip
Hey, thank you for replying.
I'm not under ddos attack right now, however I was for about a long week but it's now over.
I can't seem to understand what's wrong with the dns since all the domains I host and the subdomain are working just fine, it's only the panel itself that isn't showing up now although it used to show up and all that.
The fact that the panel isn't showing up means I don't have access to the phpmyadmin sql and stuff but it does execute daily backups for me and do daemons every 5 minutes so the problem is not the functionality because it works but it is the fact that zpanel is not visible.