There are two problems to handle with different language sections :
- it splits the community : responses, announces and tips given in a specific language cannot be read by other people,
- the owner of a domain/forum is responsible of the quality and law compliant of its public content, but how can he ensure a content is correct when nobody of the team read the language ?
If an Italian forum is really required, the better solution would be that it will be created independently by someone speaking Italian, but remember that it will require some constant work to limit the gap with the "official forum" here.
- it splits the community : responses, announces and tips given in a specific language cannot be read by other people,
- the owner of a domain/forum is responsible of the quality and law compliant of its public content, but how can he ensure a content is correct when nobody of the team read the language ?
If an Italian forum is really required, the better solution would be that it will be created independently by someone speaking Italian, but remember that it will require some constant work to limit the gap with the "official forum" here.