So i was being impatient and gave the script a go on one of our production server.
It was a Centos 6.7 Zpanelx server with some modifications.
Still ran into the sql issues but overide with -f option. Also had php55 install and mysql and the installer gave some errors ofcourse but ingored them and contuinued. Also had varnish so httpd couldnt start because port 80 was in use
But after fixing that everything was good to go! Working fine so far. Exept that the script replaces the file of postfix. i had mods in here for port 465 and clamav and spamassasin. ofciourse i had backup of this and replaced it back so this is also working fine now.
Ran in some jpath issues with some customers howm had Joomla installed but solved quickly.
It was a Centos 6.7 Zpanelx server with some modifications.
Still ran into the sql issues but overide with -f option. Also had php55 install and mysql and the installer gave some errors ofcourse but ingored them and contuinued. Also had varnish so httpd couldnt start because port 80 was in use
But after fixing that everything was good to go! Working fine so far. Exept that the script replaces the file of postfix. i had mods in here for port 465 and clamav and spamassasin. ofciourse i had backup of this and replaced it back so this is also working fine now.
Ran in some jpath issues with some customers howm had Joomla installed but solved quickly.