(06-27-2015, 02:33 PM)Ron-e Wrote: Its very simple, only insert the path after the public_html dir.
Like so:
Thats it, simple and really easy but not as many options if you did it bareboned like Cpanel does.
It works..
There are some more problems.
I have some crons that are password protected by the script. so that only script can trigger them.
this is their syntax on cpanel.
/usr/bin/curl --silent http://www.domain.com/filename.php?pwd=11111 2 > /dev/null
where pwd=11111 is password set for that cron file to be run only from script.
I have tried them on sentora but does not seem to be working.
How to solve this problem.
If my crons problem solved then sentora is best for me