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Unknown SMTP email redirection Loop Error in mail.log
Unknown SMTP email redirection Loop Error in mail.log

I am not an expert on this to understand what causing it but I had done several modification on my sentora installation and server. Like Installed postfix, amavis, spamassassins configuration, fail2ban.. I am running ubuntu 14.04 minimal.

But now I am having a problem which generating in mail.log, I got notified about this by server admin. He told me that there are many Active SMTP connection.

and when I check my mail.log I see that it is doing redirect loop on my server and some of many delivery temporarily suspended errors. Huh

I can use roundcube to send and receive email from other services (gmail, hotmail etc). But it is showing this error and active connection for loop, which I am very unfamiliar with.

Kindly please help me solve this problem please. Below I am posted main.conf , master.conf, mail.log

# postfix config file

# uncomment for debugging if needed

# postfix main
mail_owner = postfix
setgid_group = postdrop
delay_warning_time = 4

# postfix paths
html_directory = no
command_directory = /usr/sbin
daemon_directory = /usr/lib/postfix
queue_directory = /var/spool/postfix
sendmail_path = /usr/sbin/sendmail.postfix
newaliases_path = /usr/bin/newaliases.postfix
mailq_path = /usr/bin/mailq.postfix
manpage_directory = /usr/share/man
sample_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.2.2/samples
readme_directory = /usr/share/doc/postfix-2.2.2/README_FILES

# network settings
inet_interfaces = all
mydomain =
myhostname =
mynetworks =,
mydestination = localhost.$mydomain, localhost
relay_domains = proxy:mysql:/etc/sentora/configs/postfix/

# mail delivery
recipient_delimiter = +

# mappings
alias_maps = hash:/etc/aliases
alias_database = hash:/etc/aliases
= hash:/etc/postfix/transport

# virtual setup
virtual_alias_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/sentora/configs/postfix/,
virtual_mailbox_base = /var/sentora/vmail
virtual_mailbox_domains = proxy:mysql:/etc/sentora/configs/postfix/
virtual_mailbox_maps = proxy:mysql:/etc/sentora/configs/postfix/
virtual_minimum_uid = 999
virtual_uid_maps = static:999
virtual_gid_maps = static:8
virtual_transport = dovecot
dovecot_destination_recipient_limit = 1

# debugging
debug_peer_level = 2
debugger_command =
         xxgdb $daemon_directory/$process_name $process_id & sleep 5

# authentication
smtpd_sasl_auth_enable = yes
smtpd_sasl_security_options = noanonymous
smtpd_sasl_local_domain = $myhostname
broken_sasl_auth_clients = yes
smtpd_sasl_type = dovecot
smtpd_sasl_path = private/auth

# tls config
smtp_use_tls = no
smtpd_use_tls = no
= yes
= 1
= yes
= 3600s
= dev:/dev/urandom
= btree:$data_directory/smtp_tls_session_cache
# Change* to your host name
= /etc/pki/tls/private/
= /etc/pki/tls/certs/
# smtpd_tls_CAfile = /etc/pki/tls/root.crt

# rules restrictions
smtpd_client_restrictions =
smtpd_helo_restrictions =
smtpd_sender_restrictions =
smtpd_recipient_restrictions = permit_sasl_authenticated,
# uncomment for realtime black list checks. (Warn: will also reject false positive)
#       ,reject_rbl_client
#       ,reject_rbl_client
#       ,reject_rbl_client

smtpd_helo_required = yes
unknown_local_recipient_reject_code = 550
disable_vrfy_command = yes
smtpd_data_restrictions = reject_unauth_pipelining
smtpd_banner = $myhostname ESMTP

message_size_limit = 20480000
content_filter = smtp-amavis:[]:10024

# Limit Active SMTP Connection

smtpd_error_sleep_time = 1s
smtpd_soft_error_limit = 10
smtpd_hard_error_limit = 20
smtpd_client_connection_count_limit = 10
smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit = 60


# Postfix master process configuration file.  For details on the format
# of the file, see the Postfix master(5) manual page.
# ***** Unused items removed *****
# ==========================================================================
# service type  private unpriv  chroot  wakeup  maxproc command + args
#               (yes)   (yes)   (yes)   (never) (100)
# ==========================================================================
smtp      inet  n       -       n       -       -       smtpd
#  -o content_filter=smtp-amavis:
#  -o receive_override_options=no_address_mappings
pickup    fifo  n       -       n       60      1       pickup
  -o content_filter=
  -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks
cleanup   unix  n       -       n       -       0       cleanup
qmgr      fifo  n       -       n       300     1       qmgr
#qmgr     fifo  n       -       n       300     1       oqmgr
tlsmgr    unix  -       -       n       1000?   1       tlsmgr
rewrite   unix  -       -       n       -       -       trivial-rewrite
bounce    unix  -       -       n       -       0       bounce
defer     unix  -       -       n       -       0       bounce
trace     unix  -       -       n       -       0       bounce
verify    unix  -       -       n       -       1       verify
flush     unix  n       -       n       1000?   0       flush
proxymap  unix  -       -       n       -       -       proxymap
smtp      unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp
# When relaying mail as backup MX, disable fallback_relay to avoid MX loops
relay     unix  -       -       n       -       -       smtp
        -o fallback_relay=
#       -o smtp_helo_timeout=5 -o smtp_connect_timeout=5
showq     unix  n       -       n       -       -       showq
error     unix  -       -       n       -       -       error
discard   unix  -       -       n       -       -       discard
local     unix  -       n       n       -       -       local
virtual   unix  -       n       n       -       -       virtual
lmtp      unix  -       -       n       -       -       lmtp
anvil     unix  -       -       n       -       1       anvil
scache    unix  -       -       n       -       1       scache
# ====================================================================
# Interfaces to non-Postfix software. Be sure to examine the manual
# pages of the non-Postfix software to find out what options it wants.
# ====================================================================
maildrop  unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=DRhu user=vmail argv=/usr/local/bin/maildrop -d ${recipient}
uucp      unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=Fqhu user=uucp argv=uux -r -n -z -a$sender - $nexthop!rmail ($recipient)
ifmail    unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=F user=ftn argv=/usr/lib/ifmail/ifmail -r $nexthop ($recipient)
bsmtp     unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=Fq. user=foo argv=/usr/local/sbin/bsmtp -f $sender $nexthop $recipient
# spam/virus section
smtp-amavis  unix  -    -       y       -       2       smtp
  -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200
  -o disable_dns_lookups=yes
  -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes inet n  -       y       -       -       smtpd
  -o content_filter=
  -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
  -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
  -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
  -o mynetworks=
  -o smtpd_error_sleep_time=1s
  -o smtpd_soft_error_limit=10
  -o smtpd_hard_error_limit=20
  -o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=10
  -o smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit=60
  -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks
  -o smtpd_helo_required=no
  -o smtpd_client_restrictions=
  -o smtpd_restriction_classes=
  -o disable_vrfy_command=no
  -o strict_rfc821_envelopes=yes
# Dovecot LDA
dovecot   unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=DRhu user=vmail:mail argv=/usr/lib/dovecot/deliver -d ${recipient}
# Vacation mail
vacation    unix  -       n       n       -       -       pipe
  flags=Rq user=vacation argv=/var/spool/vacation/ -f ${sender} -- ${recipient}
smtp-amavis     unix    -       -       -       -       2       smtp
    -o smtp_data_done_timeout=1200
    -o smtp_send_xforward_command=yes
    -o disable_dns_lookups=yes
    -o max_use=20 inet    n       -       -       -       -       smtpd
    -o content_filter=
    -o local_recipient_maps=
    -o relay_recipient_maps=
    -o smtpd_restriction_classes=
    -o smtpd_delay_reject=no
    -o smtpd_client_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
    -o smtpd_helo_restrictions=
    -o smtpd_sender_restrictions=
    -o smtpd_recipient_restrictions=permit_mynetworks,reject
    -o smtpd_data_restrictions=reject_unauth_pipelining
    -o smtpd_end_of_data_restrictions=
    -o mynetworks=
    -o smtpd_error_sleep_time=1s
    -o smtpd_soft_error_limit=10
    -o smtpd_hard_error_limit=20
    -o smtpd_client_connection_count_limit=10
    -o smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit=60
    -o receive_override_options=no_header_body_checks,no_unknown_recipient_checks

Mar 31 15:27:55 cpanel amavis[596]: starting. /usr/sbin/amavisd-new at amavisd-new-2.7.1 (20120429), Unicode aware
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Net::Server: Group Not Defined.  Defaulting to EGID '114 114'
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Net::Server: User Not Defined.  Defaulting to EUID '111'
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Amavis::Conf        2.303
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Archive::Zip        1.30
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module BerkeleyDB          0.54
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Compress::Zlib      2.06
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Convert::TNEF       0.18
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Convert::UUlib      1.4
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Crypt::OpenSSL::RSA 0.28
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module DB_File             1.827
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Digest::MD5         2.52
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Digest::SHA         5.84_01
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module File::Temp          0.23
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module IO::Socket::INET6   2.71
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module MIME::Entity        5.505
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module MIME::Parser        5.505
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module MIME::Tools         5.505
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Mail::DKIM::Signer  0.4
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Mail::DKIM::Verifier 0.4
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Mail::Header        2.12
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Mail::Internet      2.12
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Mail::SPF           v2.009
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Mail::SpamAssassin  3.004000
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Net::DNS            0.68
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Net::Server         2.007
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module NetAddr::IP         4.071
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Razor2::Client::Version 2.84
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Socket6             0.25
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Time::HiRes         1.9725
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module URI                 1.60
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Module Unix::Syslog        1.1
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Amavis::DB code      loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: SQL base code        NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: SQL::Log code        NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: SQL::Quarantine      NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Lookup::SQL code     NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Lookup::LDAP code    NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: AM.PDP-in proto code loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: SMTP-in proto code   loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Courier proto code   NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: SMTP-out proto code  loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Pipe-out proto code  NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: BSMTP-out proto code NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Local-out proto code loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: OS_Fingerprint code  NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: ANTI-VIRUS code      loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: ANTI-SPAM code       loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: ANTI-SPAM-EXT code   NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: ANTI-SPAM-C code     NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: ANTI-SPAM-SA code    loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Unpackers code       loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: DKIM code            loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Tools code           NOT loaded
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found $file            at /usr/bin/file
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: No $altermime,         not using it
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Internal decoder for .mail
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: No decoder for       .F  
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .Z    at /bin/uncompress
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Internal decoder for .gz  
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .bz2  at /bin/bzip2 -d
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .xz   at /usr/bin/xz -dc
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .lzma at /usr/bin/xz -dc --format=lzma
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: No decoder for       .lzo  tried: lzop -d
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: No decoder for       .rpm  tried:, rpm2cpio
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .cpio at /bin/pax
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .tar  at /bin/pax
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .deb  at /usr/bin/ar
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Internal decoder for .zip
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Internal decoder for .kmz
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: No decoder for       .7z   tried: 7zr, 7za, 7z
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: No decoder for       .rar  tried: unrar-free
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .arj  at /usr/bin/arj
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .arc  at /usr/bin/nomarch
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .zoo  at /usr/bin/zoo
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: No decoder for       .doc  tried: ripole
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .cab  at /usr/bin/cabextract
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: No decoder for       .tnef
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Internal decoder for .tnef
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found decoder for    .exe  at /usr/bin/arj
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Using primary internal av scanner code for ClamAV-clamd
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Found secondary av scanner ClamAV-clamscan at /usr/bin/clamscan
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Deleting db files snmp.db,__db.003,__db.002,__db.001,nanny.db in /var/lib/amavis/db
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel amavis[679]: Creating db in /var/lib/amavis/db/; BerkeleyDB 0.54, libdb 5.3
Mar 31 15:27:57 cpanel spamd[682]: logger: removing stderr method
Mar 31 15:28:00 cpanel spamd[755]: zoom: able to use 350/350 'body_0' compiled rules (100%)
Mar 31 15:28:02 cpanel spamd[755]: spamd: server started on IO::Socket::INET6 []:783, IO::Socket::INET6 [::1]:783 (running version 3.4.0)
Mar 31 15:28:02 cpanel spamd[755]: spamd: server pid: 755
Mar 31 15:28:02 cpanel spamd[755]: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 799
Mar 31 15:28:02 cpanel spamd[755]: spamd: server successfully spawned child process, pid 800
Mar 31 15:28:02 cpanel spamd[755]: prefork: child states: SI
Mar 31 15:28:02 cpanel spamd[755]: prefork: child states: II
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/master[1381]: daemon started -- version 2.11.0, configuration /etc/postfix
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 532A3100EFA: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 584BE101057: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 577BE100CE1: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 5BE60100F10: from=<>, size=3152, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 50CBE100D92: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 50373100F1A: from=<>, size=3152, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: D7EC1100DB5: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: D500F100E0E: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: D0A81100B66: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: DD040100E3D: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: DAF74100E54: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: D861B100E86: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 62945100D5C: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 6A881100F55: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 6CF2E100F35: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 67D2B100E99: from=<>, size=3151, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 63398100CFF: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 64BEF100D8D: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 64002100DAB: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 14882100F4F: from=<>, size=3151, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 1D2B0100F69: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 13B1B100D6D: from=<>, size=698, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 9C948100FFD: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 98114100E59: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 9B368100E48: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 94C99100FFF: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 967A4100EFB: from=<>, size=3151, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 49A6B100CB1: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:18 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 4B1E5100FA6: from=<>, size=3151, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 40529100F3A: from=<>, size=3152, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/smtp[1408]: 584BE101057: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=1156, delays=1156/0.11/0.2/0, dsn=4.4.6, status=SOFTBOUNCE (mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/smtp[1409]: 577BE100CE1: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=245957, delays=245957/0.09/0.16/0, dsn=4.4.6, status=SOFTBOUNCE (mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/smtp[1407]: 532A3100EFA: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=130731, delays=130730/0.21/0.24/0, dsn=4.4.6, status=SOFTBOUNCE (mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/smtp[1410]: 5BE60100F10: to=<>, relay=none, delay=120579, delays=120578/0.07/0.16/0, dsn=4.4.6, status=SOFTBOUNCE (mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 4C312100FC2: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: connect to transport private/retry: Connection refused
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: connect to transport private/retry: Connection refused
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 50373100F1A: to=<>, relay=none, delay=116979, delays=116978/0.51/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/smtp[1412]: 50CBE100D92: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=240557, delays=240557/0.07/0.28/0, dsn=4.4.6, status=SOFTBOUNCE (mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: D7EC1100DB5: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=235145, delays=235144/0.51/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: D500F100E0E: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=193750, delays=193749/0.53/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: D0A81100B66: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=254937, delays=254937/0.56/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: DD040100E3D: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=181136, delays=181135/0.63/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: DAF74100E54: to=<>, relay=none, delay=170682, delays=170681/0.65/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: D861B100E86: to=<>, relay=none, delay=143980, delays=143979/0.67/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 62945100D5C: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=251354, delays=251353/0.69/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 6A881100F55: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=92618, delays=92617/0.73/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 6CF2E100F35: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=105558, delays=105557/0.76/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:19 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 67D2B100E99: to=<>, relay=none, delay=134980, delays=134979/1.1/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 63398100CFF: to=<>, relay=none, delay=239664, delays=239662/1.2/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 64BEF100D8D: to=<>, relay=none, delay=241465, delays=241463/1.2/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 64002100DAB: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=236957, delays=236956/1.2/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 14882100F4F: to=<>, relay=none, delay=94637, delays=94635/1.3/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 1D2B0100F69: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=83940, delays=83939/1.3/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 13B1B100D6D: to=<>, orig_to=<amavis>, relay=none, delay=248988, delays=248986/1.4/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 9C948100FFD: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=11941, delays=11939/1.4/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 98114100E59: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=168548, delays=168547/1.4/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 9B368100E48: to=<>, relay=none, delay=163782, delays=163780/1.5/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 94C99100FFF: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=20949, delays=20948/1.6/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 967A4100EFB: to=<>, relay=none, delay=122377, delays=122375/1.6/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 49A6B100CB1: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=253158, delays=253156/1.7/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 4B1E5100FA6: to=<>, relay=none, delay=21509, delays=21507/1.7/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 40529100F3A: to=<>, relay=none, delay=98379, delays=98378/1.7/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 4C312100FC2: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=46153, delays=46151/1.8/0/0, dsn=4.3.0, status=deferred (mail transport unavailable)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 4E9C6100F0E: from=<>, size=3152, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 4E9C6100F0E: to=<>, relay=none, delay=34717, delays=34717/0.07/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: EA072100F1C: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: EA072100F1C: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=55117, delays=55117/0.05/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: E598E100F3C: from=<>, size=3357, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:20 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: E598E100F3C: to=<>, relay=none, delay=21809, delays=21809/0.06/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 7AC3F100BE9: from=<>, size=820, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 7AC3F100BE9: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=312310, delays=312310/0.15/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 74B42100F15: from=<>, size=3104, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 74B42100F15: to=<>, relay=none, delay=118781, delays=118781/0.11/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 7A5F3100E74: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 7A5F3100E74: to=<>, relay=none, delay=156583, delays=156583/0.27/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 7BE6D100DBB: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 7BE6D100DBB: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=233321, delays=233321/0.11/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 3235A100C2A: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 3235A100C2A: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=260319, delays=260319/0.09/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 33448100E17: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 33448100E17: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=186548, delays=186548/0.12/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 34B53100DAA: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:21 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 34B53100DAA: to=<>, relay=none, delay=235764, delays=235764/0.43/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 3C437100DA2: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 3C437100DA2: to=<>, relay=none, delay=232164, delays=232164/0.32/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 845C2100D47: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 845C2100D47: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=249558, delays=249558/0.07/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 8FD10100F05: from=<>, size=3151, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 8FD10100F05: to=<>, relay=none, delay=25416, delays=25416/0.06/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 82463100E8F: from=<>, size=3152, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 82463100E8F: to=<>, relay=none, delay=140383, delays=140383/0.06/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: B36FA100F77: from=<>, size=3151, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: B36FA100F77: to=<>, relay=none, delay=75822, delays=75822/0.09/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: BDEB2100FE8: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: BDEB2100FE8: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=29762, delays=29761/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: BDAB0100F9D: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:22 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: BDAB0100F9D: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=60476, delays=60476/0.07/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: B546D100BAF: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: B546D100BAF: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=256762, delays=256761/0.24/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 0A065100D8B: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 0A065100D8B: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=242356, delays=242356/0.05/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 09392100C35: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 09392100C35: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=258557, delays=258557/0.06/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 0C3FE100F19: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 0C3FE100F19: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=118157, delays=118157/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 2EC12100E94: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 2EC12100E94: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=143361, delays=143361/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 2607A100D86: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 2607A100D86: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=244162, delays=244162/0.03/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 28E0B100E77: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 28E0B100E77: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=155962, delays=155962/0.05/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 251D6100DB6: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 251D6100DB6: to=<>, relay=none, delay=233965, delays=233965/0.08/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 25A05100FF9: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 25A05100FF9: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=22740, delays=22740/0.07/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 2EB0B100D7C: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 2EB0B100D7C: to=<>, relay=none, delay=245368, delays=245368/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 2067E100DC8: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: 2067E100DC8: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=231555, delays=231555/0.03/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A8BC0100BE0: from=<>, size=2918, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A8BC0100BE0: to=<>, relay=none, delay=295052, delays=295052/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A7982100EA6: from=<>, size=3152, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A7982100EA6: to=<>, relay=none, delay=106183, delays=106183/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A2552100DC5: from=<>, size=2843, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A2552100DC5: to=<>, relay=none, delay=231866, delays=231866/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A947E100D9F: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A947E100D9F: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=238749, delays=238749/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A8A89100DA1: from=<>, size=2902, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:23 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A8A89100DA1: to=<>, relay=none, delay=237867, delays=237867/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A60B5100D74: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: A60B5100D74: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=247736, delays=247736/0.05/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: CBC96100F85: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: CBC96100F85: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=71362, delays=71362/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: C8C6F100FA1: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: C8C6F100FA1: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=58733, delays=58733/0.04/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: C5583100E53: from=<>, size=4776, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: C5583100E53: to=<>, orig_to=<root>, relay=none, delay=172153, delays=172153/0.05/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: C632D100E33: from=<>, size=2965, nrcpt=1 (queue active)
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: warning: defer_append: ignoring dsn code "5.4.6"
Mar 31 15:28:24 cpanel postfix/qmgr[1386]: C632D100E33: to=<>, relay=none, delay=176387, delays=176386/0.05/0/0, dsn=4.0.0, status=deferred (delivery temporarily suspended: mail for loops back to myself)

Thanks given by:
RE: Unknown SMTP email redirection Loop Error in mail.log
I am still having this problem.

Can anyone give me a suggestion?.
Thanks given by:
RE: Unknown SMTP email redirection Loop Error in mail.log
main and are the original one ?
Thanks given by:
RE: Unknown SMTP email redirection Loop Error in mail.log
(04-02-2015, 09:26 AM)Active8 Wrote: main and are the original one ?


I have modified it by following this guide:


additional adjustment on

# Limit Active SMTP Connection

smtpd_error_sleep_time = 1s
smtpd_soft_error_limit = 10
smtpd_hard_error_limit = 20
smtpd_client_connection_count_limit = 10
smtpd_client_connection_rate_limit = 60
Thanks given by:
RE: Unknown SMTP email redirection Loop Error in mail.log
You need to list all the modifications and post the new config files. We can't evaluation the guide only as you might miss a step and end up with errors.

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Thanks given by:
RE: Unknown SMTP email redirection Loop Error in mail.log
(04-04-2015, 03:39 AM)Me.B Wrote: You need to list all the modifications and post the new config files. We can't evaluation the guide only as you might miss a step and end up with errors.


I have already resolved this problem yesterday. And emails are working fine so far, no more errors and no emails getting missed.

I had used same topic description into another forum for help also. Because that was enough for understand. I had added, and mail.log and problem was about email error in mail.log , Where some emails wasn't getting received because of finding no destination host.

What I had to do to fix it?.

Answer: I needed to include in line mydestination for /etc/postfix/

Hopefully this may comes in handy for other Smile
Thanks given by:

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