(12-15-2018, 11:29 PM)efe55 Wrote: thanks. So how do we install it. Do you have ProFTPD installation notes?
Right now, you would have to download the installation script and edit it before running it, to modify the EPEL path, if you are using CentOS 7.
So, follow the "Alternatively you can do it manually" section from this page rather than the instructions at the very top:
and after step 3, add in the following instructions:
open this file for editing:
find the EPEL section and change these two lines:
EPEL_FILE=$(wget -q -O- "$EPEL_BASE_URL/e/" | grep -oP '(?<=href=")epel-release.*(?=">)')
EPEL_FILE=$(wget -q -O- "$EPEL_BASE_URL/Packages/e/" | grep -oP '(?<=href=")epel-release.*(?=">)')
wget "$EPEL_BASE_URL/Packages/e/$EPEL_FILE"
and save the file.
Now go back to the manual instructions and continue with step 4 onwards.
You should find ProFTPD as well as a couple of other PHP modules are installed correctly.
Admittedly it would make sense to update this in the published Github installation script, but I don't have access to do this and I'm not sure if it's possible after it is marked as a release. The master repository is updated with these changes but that is more of a 1.0.4 version of Sentora, not released yet.
Or if you are asking how to add in ProFTPD once you have already run the Sentora installation script, it is in my other post here: