There is nothing wrong going at my site currently but I am seeing that my server taking 25gb space in my disk, which shouldn't happen.
As my db is about 300mb, files are about 10mb or so, and I don't know how much space sentora takes, but I think 25gb is too much as I don't have that much files or anything.
What could it be, server cache? If it is due to that, how to i clear server cache?
I notice that phpsysinfo shows under mounted file system :
reiserfs /dev/simfs (rw, usrquota, grpquota) - about 24gb , what is it?
/dev devtmpfs none (rw, relatime, mode=755, gid=500) - is about 2gb only.
As my db is about 300mb, files are about 10mb or so, and I don't know how much space sentora takes, but I think 25gb is too much as I don't have that much files or anything.
What could it be, server cache? If it is due to that, how to i clear server cache?
I notice that phpsysinfo shows under mounted file system :
reiserfs /dev/simfs (rw, usrquota, grpquota) - about 24gb , what is it?
/dev devtmpfs none (rw, relatime, mode=755, gid=500) - is about 2gb only.