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Username not prepending
11-08-2016, 04:49 AM
I have a new install of Sentora. I created a user and login as that user. I'm having two different prepending issues.
First, on the MySQL Users page. On the form to create a new MySQL user it does not prepend the Sentora username in the form nor once that user is created.
Second, on the FTP Accounts page the prepend does not show up in the form but it does prepend once the FTP user is created. On this one, I can just go into the zpm file for the module and add that text, that will fix this issue.
I'm bringing this up since this is a fresh download and install, that maybe something is missing from these modules. I don't have a problem fixing it manually but that won't fix it for everyone else.
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RE: Username not prepending
11-08-2016, 06:04 AM
I compared several files in this new system to an existing one that was working correctly. (Both are v1.0.3) I found three files that were different and caused this problem. Once I copied the three files from the working system to the new, broken, system everything worked fine.
Again, wanting to bring this to the developers attention so that the distro can be updated and fixed. Thanks for such a great product!!
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RE: Username not prepending
11-08-2016, 06:05 AM
Thanks for the report! I will check it out. It may already be there, but on the developer's installer and not yet released to the public
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RE: Username not prepending
11-08-2016, 06:07 AM
Ok, I won't check that out LOL I'll let the Devs know and see if they can merge the changes into the current release or make a small patch or something.
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RE: Username not prepending
11-09-2016, 07:48 AM
Strange as the installer if you use the official one you should get only the files that were set for 1.0.3
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RE: Username not prepending
11-11-2016, 12:23 PM
I completely agree.....It was very weird.
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RE: Username not prepending
11-11-2016, 02:39 PM
What is the exact installer you used? I just check my original Ubuntu Server (about a year old) with a newly installed VM (about a month old) and both have the prepending ftp and db. Although, FTP does not have the prepending name in the form only db does.
-TGates - Project Council
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RE: Username not prepending
11-11-2016, 04:13 PM
Having an issue with GitHub for Windows, so here are the updated files for the FTP Module:
PHP Code: <div class="zmodule_content panel" id="zmodule_header_<@ ModuleName @>"> <div class="panel-heading"> <img src="<@ ModuleIcon @>" width="35" height="35" border="0" alt="<@ ModuleName @>">
<div class="zmodule_title"> <@ ModuleName @> </div>
<div class="zmodule_desc" id="zmodule_desc_<@ ModuleName @>"><@ ModuleDesc @></div>
<@ Result @>
<% if isDeleteFTP %> <div class="zform_wrapper alert alert-danger"> <h2><: Delete FTP account :>: <@ EditCurrentName @> ?</h2> <p><: Please confirm that you want to delete this FTP account. :></p> <form action="./?module=ftp_management&action=DeleteFTP" method="post"> <table class="none" cellpadding="0" cellspacing="0"> <tr> <td colspan="2" align="right"> <input type="hidden" name="inDelete" value="<@ EditCurrentID @>"> <button class="button-loader delete btn btn-danger" type="submit" ><: Delete :></button> <button class="button-loader btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="window.location.href='./?module=ftp_management';return false;"><: Cancel :></button> </td> </tr> </table> <@ CSFR_Tag @> </form> </div> <% endif %>
<% if isEditFTP %> <div class="zform_wrapper"> <h2><: Reset FTP Password for user :>: <@ EditCurrentName @></h2> <form action="./?module=ftp_management&action=ResetPassword" method="post"> <table class="table table-striped"> <tr> <th><: Username :>:</th> <td><@ EditCurrentName @></td> <td></td> </tr> <tr> <th><: New password :>:</th> <td><input name="inPassword" type="text" id="input-password" size="30" maxlength="50" /></td> <td><button class="button-loader btn btn-default" type="submit" name="inReset" id="button" value="<@ EditCurrentID @>"><: Reset Password :> </button> <button class="button-loader btn btn-default" type="button" onclick="window.location.href='./?module=ftp_management';return false;"><: Cancel :></button></td> </tr> <tr> <th></th> <td><a href="#" class="link-password" id="generate"><: Generate Password :></a></td> <td></td> </tr> </table> <@ CSFR_Tag @> </form> </div> <% endif %>
<div class="zgrid_wrapper"> <h2><: Current FTP accounts :></h2> <% if ClientList %> <script type="text/javascript"> var ShowPass = false; function ShowHide() { ShowPass = !ShowPass; if (ShowPass) { document.getElementById('ColPass').style.visibility = 'visible'; document.getElementById('btn_sh').innerHTML = 'Hide passwords'; } else { document.getElementById('ColPass').style.visibility = 'collapse'; document.getElementById('btn_sh').innerHTML = 'Show passwords'; } return false; } </script> <form action="./?module=ftp_management&action=EditFTP" method="post"> <table class="table table-striped"> <col /> <col /> <col /> <col id="ColPass" style="visibility:collapse"/> <col /> <tr> <th><: Account name :></th> <th><: Home directory :></th> <th><: Permission :></th> <th><: Password :></th> <th><button class="button btn btn-default" id="btn_sh" onClick="return ShowHide()">Show Passwords</button></th> </tr> <% loop ClientList %> <tr> <td><& username &></td> <td><& directory &></td> <td><& access &></td> <td><& password &></td> <td> <button class="button-loader btn btn-default" type="submit" name="inReset_<& id &>" id="button" value="inReset_<& id &>"><: Reset Password :></button> <button class="button-loader delete btn btn-danger" type="submit" name="inDelete_<& id &>" id="button" value="inDelete_<& id &>"><: Delete :></button> </td> </tr> <% endloop %> </table> <@ CSFR_Tag @> </form> <% else %> <: You do not have any FTP Accounts setup. Create an FTP account using the form below. :> <% endif %> </div>
<% if isCreateFTP %> <div class="zform_wrapper"> <table class="none" width="100%" cellborder="0" cellspacing="0"><tr valign="top"> <tr valign="top"> <td> <h2><: Create a new FTP Account :></h2> <% if QuotaLimit %> <form action="./?module=ftp_management&action=CreateFTP" method="post"> <table class="table table-striped"> <tr> <th nowrap="nowrap"><: Username :>:</th> <td class="text-right" nowrap="nowrap"><@ CurrentUserName @>_</td> <td><input name="inFTPUsername" type="text" id="inFTPUsername" size="30" value="" maxlength="50"/></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"><: Password :>:</th> <td><input name="inPassword" type="password" id="inPassword" size="30" maxlength="50" /></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap"><: Access type :>:</th> <td><select name="inAccess" size="1"> <option value="RO" selected="selected"><: Read-only :></option> <option value="WO"><: Write-only :></option> <option value="RW"><: Full access :></option> </select></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2" nowrap="nowrap"><: Home directory :>:</th> <td><input name="inAutoHome" type="radio" id="inAutoHome" value="1" onclick="hide_div('showmasterselect')&hide_div('showdomainselect');" CHECKED /> <: Create a new home directory :></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> </th> <td><input name="inAutoHome" type="radio" id="inAutoHome" value="2" onclick="show_div('showmasterselect')&hide_div('showdomainselect');" /> <: Set Master home directory :></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> </th> <td> <div id="showmasterselect" style="display:none;"> <select name="inDestination" id="inDestination"> <option value="">/ (root)</option> <% loop MasterDirsList %> <option value="<& domains &>">/<& domains &></option> <% endloop %> </select> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> </th> <td><input name="inAutoHome" type="radio" id="inAutoHome" value="3" onclick="show_div('showdomainselect')&hide_div('showmasterselect');" /> <: Use Domain directory :></td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2"> </th> <td> <div id="showdomainselect" style="display:none;"> <select name="inDomainDestination" id="inDomainDestination"> <option value="">/ (root)</option> <% loop DomainDirsList %> <option value="public_html/<& domains &>">/<& domains &></option> <% endloop %> </select> </div> </td> </tr> <tr> <th colspan="2" align="right"> <button class="button-loader btn btn-primary" type="submit" name="inSubmit" id="inSubmit" value=""><: Create :></button></th> </tr> </table> <@ CSFR_Tag @> </form> <% else %> <: You have reached your FTP account limit! :> <% endif %> </td> <td align="right"><@ FTPUsagepChart @></td> </tr> </table> </div> <% endif %>
<script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function show_div(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if( == 'none') = 'block'; } //--> </script> <script type="text/javascript"> <!-- function hide_div(id) { var e = document.getElementById(id); if( == 'block') = 'none'; } //--> </script> <script type="text/JavaScript"> $.extend({ password: function (length, special) { var iteration = 0; var password = ""; var randomNumber; if(special == undefined){ var special = false; } while(iteration < length){ randomNumber = (Math.floor((Math.random() * 100)) % 94) + 33; if(!special){ if ((randomNumber >=33) && (randomNumber <=47)) { continue; } if ((randomNumber >=58) && (randomNumber <=64)) { continue; } if ((randomNumber >=91) && (randomNumber <=96)) { continue; } if ((randomNumber >=123) && (randomNumber <=126)) { continue; } } iteration++; password += String.fromCharCode(randomNumber); } return password; } }); $(document).ready(function() { $('.link-password').click(function(e){ linkId = $(this).attr('id'); if (linkId == 'generate'){ password = $.password(9,false); $('#input-password').val(password); } e.preventDefault(); }); }); </script>
PHP Code: <?php
/** * @copyright 2014-2015 Sentora Project ( * Sentora is a GPL fork of the ZPanel Project whose original header follows: * * ZPanel - A Cross-Platform Open-Source Web Hosting Control panel. * * @package ZPanel * @version $Id$ * @author Bobby Allen - * @copyright (c) 2008-2014 ZPanel Group - * @license GNU Public License v3 * * This program (ZPanel) is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program. If not, see <>. * */ class module_controller extends ctrl_module {
static $error; static $alreadyexists; static $blank; static $badname; static $invalidPath; static $ok; static $delete; static $reset; static $create;
/** * The 'worker' methods. */ static function ListClients($uid) { global $zdbh; $sql = "SELECT * FROM x_ftpaccounts WHERE ft_acc_fk=:userid AND ft_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $numrows->bindParam(':userid', $uid); $numrows->execute();
if ($numrows->fetchColumn() <> 0) { $sql = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $res = array(); $sql->bindParam(':userid', $uid); $sql->execute(); while ($rowclients = $sql->fetch()) { $res[] = array('id' => $rowclients['ft_id_pk'], 'directory' => runtime_xss::xssClean($rowclients['ft_directory_vc']), 'access' => runtime_xss::xssClean($rowclients['ft_access_vc']), 'password' => runtime_xss::xssClean($rowclients['ft_password_vc']), 'username' => runtime_xss::xssClean($rowclients['ft_user_vc'])); } return $res; } else { return false; } }
static function ListCurrentClient($uid) { global $zdbh; $sql = "SELECT * FROM x_ftpaccounts WHERE ft_id_pk=:userid AND ft_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $numrows->bindParam(':userid', $uid); $numrows->execute();
if ($numrows->fetchColumn() <> 0) { $sql = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $sql->bindParam(':userid', $uid); $res = array(); $sql->execute(); while ($rowclients = $sql->fetch()) { $res[] = array('id' => $rowclients['ft_id_pk'], 'directory' => runtime_xss::xssClean($rowclients['ft_directory_vc']), 'access' => runtime_xss::xssClean($rowclients['ft_access_vc']), 'password' => runtime_xss::xssClean($rowclients['ft_password_vc']), 'username' => runtime_xss::xssClean($rowclients['ft_user_vc'])); } return $res; } else { return false; } }
static function ListMasterDirs($uid) { $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail($uid); $res = array(); $handle = @opendir(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $currentuser['username'] . ""); $chkdir = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $currentuser['username'] . "/"; if (!$handle) { // Log an error as the folder cannot be opened... } else { while ($file = @readdir($handle)) { if ($file != '.' && $file != '..' && $file != '_errorpages') { if (is_dir($chkdir . $file)) { $res[] = array('domains' => runtime_xss::xssClean($file)); } } } closedir($handle); } return $res; }
static function ListDomainDirs($uid) { $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail($uid); $res = array(); $handle = @opendir(ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $currentuser['username'] . "/public_html"); $chkdir = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $currentuser['username'] . "/public_html/"; if (!$handle) { // Log an error as the folder cannot be opened... } else { while ($file = @readdir($handle)) { if ($file != "." && $file != ".." && $file != "_errorpages") { if (is_dir($chkdir . $file)) { $res[] = array('domains' => runtime_xss::xssClean($file)); } } } closedir($handle); } return $res; }
static function ExecuteResetPassword($ft_id_pk, $password) { global $zdbh; global $controller;
// Verify if Current user can Edit FTP Account. $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail($uid);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM x_ftpaccounts WHERE ft_acc_fk=:userid AND ft_id_pk=:editedUsrID AND ft_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $numrows->bindParam(':userid', $currentuser['userid']); $numrows->bindParam(':editedUsrID', $ft_id_pk); $numrows->execute();
if( $numrows->rowCount() == 0 ) { return; }
// Change User Password runtime_hook::Execute('OnBeforeResetFTPPassword'); $rowftpsql = "SELECT * FROM x_ftpaccounts WHERE ft_id_pk=:ftIdPk"; $rowftpfind = $zdbh->prepare($rowftpsql); $rowftpfind->bindParam(':ftIdPk', $ft_id_pk); $rowftpfind->execute(); $rowftp = $rowftpfind->fetch();
$sql = $zdbh->prepare("UPDATE x_ftpaccounts SET ft_password_vc=:password WHERE ft_id_pk=:ftpid"); $sql->bindParam(':password', $password); $sql->bindParam(':ftpid', $ft_id_pk); $sql->execute();
self::$reset = true; // Include FTP server specific file here. $FtpModuleFile = 'modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/code/' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('ftp_php'); if (file_exists($FtpModuleFile)) { include($FtpModuleFile); } $retval = TRUE; runtime_hook::Execute('OnAfterResetFTPPassword'); return $retval; }
static function ExecuteCreateFTP($uid, $username, $password, $destination, $domainDestination, $access_type, $home) { global $zdbh; global $controller; $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail($uid); $username = $currentuser['username'] . '_' . $username; runtime_hook::Execute('OnBeforeCreateFTPAccount'); if (fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(self::CheckForErrors($username, $password))) { // Check to see if its a new home directory or use a current one... if ($home == 1) { $homedirectory_to_use = '/' . str_replace('.', '_', $username); $full_path = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $currentuser['username'] . $homedirectory_to_use . '/'; // Create the new home directory... (If it doesnt already exist.) if (!file_exists($full_path)) { @mkdir($full_path, 777); @chmod($full_path, 0777); } } else if ($home == 3) { $homedirectory_to_use = '/' . $domainDestination; } else { $homedirectory_to_use = '/' . $destination; }
// Check if Path is inside user home directory. $full_homeDir = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $currentuser['username'] . $homedirectory_to_use . '/'; $baseDir = ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('hosted_dir') . $currentuser['username']; $realPath = realpath($full_homeDir);
if( 0 !== strpos($realPath, $baseDir)) { self::$invalidPath = true; return false; }
$sql = $zdbh->prepare("INSERT INTO x_ftpaccounts (ft_acc_fk, ft_user_vc, ft_directory_vc, ft_access_vc, ft_password_vc, ft_created_ts) VALUES (:userid, :username, :homedir, :accesstype, :password, :time)"); $sql->bindParam(':userid', $currentuser['userid']); $sql->bindParam(':username', $username); $sql->bindParam(':homedir', $homedirectory_to_use); $sql->bindParam(':accesstype', $access_type); $sql->bindParam(':password', $password); $sql->bindParam(':time', time()); $sql->execute(); self::$create = true; // Include FTP server specific file here. $FtpModuleFile = 'modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/code/' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('ftp_php'); if (file_exists($FtpModuleFile)) { include($FtpModuleFile); } runtime_hook::Execute('OnAfterCreateFTPAccount'); return true; } return false; }
static function CheckForErrors($username, $password) { global $zdbh; $retval = FALSE; // Check to make sure the username and password is not blank before we go any further... if ($username == '' || $password == '') { self::$blank = TRUE; $retval = TRUE; } // Check for invalid username if (!self::IsValidUserName($username)) { self::$badname = true; $retval = TRUE; } // Check to make sure the cron is not a duplicate... $sql = "SELECT COUNT(*) FROM x_ftpaccounts WHERE ft_user_vc=:userid AND ft_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $numrows->bindParam(':userid', $username);
if ($numrows->execute()) { if ($numrows->fetchColumn() <> 0) { self::$alreadyexists = TRUE; $retval = TRUE; } } return $retval; }
static function IsValidUserName($username) { return preg_match('/^[a-z\d_][a-z\d_-]{0,62}$/i', $username) || preg_match('/-$/', $username) == 1; }
static function ExecuteDeleteFTP($ft_id_pk, $uid) { global $zdbh; global $controller;
// Verify if Current user can Edit FTP Account. $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail($uid);
$sql = "SELECT * FROM x_ftpaccounts WHERE ft_acc_fk=:userid AND ft_id_pk=:editedUsrID AND ft_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $numrows->bindParam(':userid', $currentuser['userid']); $numrows->bindParam(':editedUsrID', $ft_id_pk); $numrows->execute();
if( $numrows->rowCount() == 0 ) { return; }
// Delete User runtime_hook::Execute('OnBeforeDeleteFTPAccount'); $rowftpsql = "SELECT * FROM x_ftpaccounts WHERE ft_id_pk=:ftIdPk"; $rowftpfind = $zdbh->prepare($rowftpsql); $rowftpfind->bindParam(':ftIdPk', $ft_id_pk); $rowftpfind->execute(); $rowftp = $rowftpfind->fetch();
$sql = $zdbh->prepare("UPDATE x_ftpaccounts SET ft_deleted_ts=:time WHERE ft_id_pk=:ftpid"); $sql->bindParam(':ftpid', $ft_id_pk); $sql->bindParam(':time', $ft_id_pk); $sql->execute(); self::$delete = true; // Include FTP server specific file here. $FtpModuleFile = 'modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/code/' . ctrl_options::GetSystemOption('ftp_php'); if (file_exists($FtpModuleFile)) { include($FtpModuleFile); } $retval = TRUE; runtime_hook::Execute('OnAfterDeleteFTPAccount'); return $retval; }
/** * End 'worker' methods. */
/** * Webinterface sudo methods. */ static function doCreateFTP() { global $controller; runtime_csfr::Protect(); $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); $formvars = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('FORM'); if (self::ExecuteCreateFTP($currentuser['userid'], $formvars['inFTPUsername'], $formvars['inPassword'], $formvars['inDestination'], $formvars['inDomainDestination'], $formvars['inAccess'], $formvars['inAutoHome'])) { self::$ok = true; return true; } else { return false; } }
static function doDeleteFTP() { global $controller; runtime_csfr::Protect(); $formvars = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('FORM'); if (self::ExecuteDeleteFTP($formvars['inDelete'])) self::$ok = true; return true; }
static function doResetPassword() { global $controller; runtime_csfr::Protect(); $formvars = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('FORM'); if (self::ExecuteResetPassword($formvars['inReset'], $formvars['inPassword'])) self::$ok = true; return true; }
static function getCurrentUserName() { $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); return $currentuser['username']; }
static function getClientList() { $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); $clientlist = self::ListClients($currentuser['userid']); return (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue($clientlist)) ? $clientlist : false; }
static function getDomainDirsList() { $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); $domaindirectories = self::ListDomainDirs($currentuser['userid']); return (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue($domaindirectories)) ? $domaindirectories : false; }
static function getMasterDirsList() { $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); $domaindirectories = self::ListMasterDirs($currentuser['userid']); return (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue($domaindirectories)) ? $domaindirectories : false; }
static function doEditFTP() { global $controller; runtime_csfr::Protect(); $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); $formvars = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('FORM'); foreach (self::ListClients($currentuser['userid']) as $row) { if (isset($formvars['inDelete_' . $row['id'] . ''])) { header("location: ./?module=" . $controller->GetCurrentModule() . "&show=Delete&other=" . $row['id']); exit; } if (isset($formvars['inReset_' . $row['id'] . ''])) { header("location: ./?module=" . $controller->GetCurrentModule() . "&show=Edit&other=" . $row['id']); exit; } } return; }
static function getisCreateFTP() { global $controller; $urlvars = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('URL'); return !isset($urlvars['show']); }
static function getisDeleteFTP($uid) { global $controller; global $zdbh;
$urlvars = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('URL');
// Verify if Current user can Edit FTP Account. // This shall avoid exposing ftp username based on ID lookups. $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail($uid);
$sql = " SELECT * FROM x_ftpaccounts WHERE ft_acc_fk=:userid AND ft_id_pk=:editedUsrID AND ft_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $numrows->bindParam(':userid', $currentuser['userid']); $numrows->bindParam(':editedUsrID', $urlvars['other']); $numrows->execute();
if( $numrows->rowCount() == 0 ) { return; }
// Show User Info return (isset($urlvars['show'])) && ($urlvars['show'] == "Delete"); }
static function getisEditFTP($uid) { global $controller; global $zdbh;
$urlvars = $controller->GetAllControllerRequests('URL');
// Verify if Current user can Edit FTP Account. // This shall avoid exposing ftp username based on ID lookups. $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail($uid);
$sql = " SELECT * FROM x_ftpaccounts WHERE ft_acc_fk=:userid AND ft_id_pk=:editedUsrID AND ft_deleted_ts IS NULL"; $numrows = $zdbh->prepare($sql); $numrows->bindParam(':userid', $currentuser['userid']); $numrows->bindParam(':editedUsrID', $urlvars['other']); $numrows->execute();
if( $numrows->rowCount() == 0 ) { return; }
// Show User Info return (isset($urlvars['show'])) && ($urlvars['show'] == "Edit"); }
static function getEditCurrentName() { global $controller; if ($controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'other')) { $current = self::ListCurrentClient($controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'other')); return $current[0]['username']; } else { return ""; } }
static function getEditCurrentID() { global $controller; if ($controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'other')) { $current = self::ListCurrentClient($controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'other')); return $current[0]['id']; } else { return ""; } }
static function getQuotaLimit() { $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); return ($currentuser['ftpaccountsquota'] < 0 ) or //-1 = unlimited ($currentuser['ftpaccountsquota'] > ctrl_users::GetQuotaUsages('ftpaccounts', $currentuser['userid'])); }
static function getFTPUsagepChart() { global $controller; $currentuser = ctrl_users::GetUserDetail(); $maximum = $currentuser['ftpaccountsquota']; if ($maximum < 0) { //-1 = unlimited if (file_exists(ui_tpl_assetfolderpath::Template() . 'img/misc/unlimited.png')) { return '<img src="' . ui_tpl_assetfolderpath::Template() . 'img/misc/unlimited.png" alt="' . ui_language::translate('Unlimited') . '"/>'; } else { return '<img src="modules/' . $controller->GetControllerRequest('URL', 'module') . '/assets/unlimited.png" alt="' . ui_language::translate('Unlimited') . '"/>'; } } else { $used = ctrl_users::GetQuotaUsages('ftpaccounts', $currentuser['userid']); $free = max($maximum - $used, 0); return '<img src="etc/lib/pChart2/sentora/z3DPie.php?score=' . $free . '::' . $used . '&labels=Free: ' . $free . '::Used: ' . $used . '&legendfont=verdana&legendfontsize=8&imagesize=240::190&chartsize=120::90&radius=100&legendsize=150::160"' . ' alt="' . ui_language::translate('Pie chart') . '"/>'; } }
static function getResult() { if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(self::$blank)) { return ui_sysmessage::shout(ui_language::translate("You must enter a valid username and password to create your FTP account."), "zannounceerror"); } if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(self::$alreadyexists)) { return ui_sysmessage::shout(ui_language::translate("An FTP account with that name already exists."), "zannounceerror"); } if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(self::$error)) { return ui_sysmessage::shout(ui_language::translate("There was an error updating your FTP accounts."), "zannounceerror"); } if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(self::$badname)) { return ui_sysmessage::shout(ui_language::translate("Your ftp account name is not valid. Please enter a valid ftp account name."), "zannounceerror"); } if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(self::$invalidPath)) { return ui_sysmessage::shout(ui_language::translate("Invalid Folder."), "zannounceok"); } if (!fs_director::CheckForEmptyValue(self::$ok)) { return ui_sysmessage::shout(ui_language::translate("FTP accounts updated successfully."), "zannounceok"); } return; }
/** * Webinterface sudo methods. */ }
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