I was following this tutorial (http://docs.sentora.org/?node=20) when I went to this one (http://docs.sentora.org/?node=21), and in this following part, I did something so wrong:
"Insert into SentoraCP
Remember that if you have purchased certificates, then you must replace the names below with your actual certificate names.
Please be sure that all purchased certificates have been properly prepared for installation.
go to Sentora -> Admin -> Module Admin => Apache Admin
Copy and paste into Global Sentora entry:
# Apache VHOST configuration file
# Customised entries for Sentora
NameVirtualHost *:443
# Configuration for Sentora control panel.
SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol SSLv3
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/Sentora.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/Sentora.key
ServerAdmin zadmin@localhost
DocumentRoot "/etc/Sentora/panel/"
ServerName id-network.org
ServerAlias Sentora.id-network.org
Redirect Permanent / https://Sentora.id-network.org/"
Well, the problem is that I was so asleep and pasted the full vHost configuration as that right to Sentora Panel, saved and restarted Apache.
So, as you should spect, I get this (http://scriptitup.com/)
My question is how can I override all that changes made? I'm into a trouble now. Thanks in advance
I was following this tutorial (http://docs.sentora.org/?node=20) when I went to this one (http://docs.sentora.org/?node=21), and in this following part, I did something so wrong:
"Insert into SentoraCP
Remember that if you have purchased certificates, then you must replace the names below with your actual certificate names.
Please be sure that all purchased certificates have been properly prepared for installation.
go to Sentora -> Admin -> Module Admin => Apache Admin
Copy and paste into Global Sentora entry:
# Apache VHOST configuration file
# Customised entries for Sentora
NameVirtualHost *:443
# Configuration for Sentora control panel.
SSLEngine on
SSLProtocol SSLv3
SSLCertificateFile /etc/apache2/ssl/Sentora.crt
SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/apache2/ssl/Sentora.key
ServerAdmin zadmin@localhost
DocumentRoot "/etc/Sentora/panel/"
ServerName id-network.org
ServerAlias Sentora.id-network.org
Redirect Permanent / https://Sentora.id-network.org/"
Well, the problem is that I was so asleep and pasted the full vHost configuration as that right to Sentora Panel, saved and restarted Apache.
So, as you should spect, I get this (http://scriptitup.com/)
My question is how can I override all that changes made? I'm into a trouble now. Thanks in advance