(10-29-2014, 07:19 PM)ZeroT Wrote: I've said something similar before but IMO Sentora still carries some bad karma from the sudden dropping of Zpanel and users being left in the lurch, there needs to be better feedback and progress from the devs rather than users just checking the Announcements section multiple times a day for a release post to find yet again still no update and left wondering will it ever happen. I've been checking daily for around 6 weeks and starting to lose faith.
Zpanel project have an owner. They didn't react & push the project as expected. The volunteer team moved off and tried our best to offer this fork.
We had been testing the new installers & patches for over 3 month's! On almost daily basis. Beside we had a lot of work to do in our businesses & daily job! Rebuilding the installer for 4 os's while changing a lot of variables for rebranding/ path's and by the way fixing some old bugs is not an easy task. On each milestone we had to test against at least 4 os's Ubuntu 12 then 14 & centos 6 & 7 and some time 32/64 bits flavor from time to time to validate.
Tom pointed you could check Github as any one should see the commit flowing in and fixes:
You can read that and see time stamp changes and this apply only to CORE while the installers had another branch.
The installers:
And this after we finished the first step as we build an installer for each OS first that worked & it took some time to build validate one for ubuntu 14 then Centos 7. Then we started the real work as we merged all the installers into one & all related config files.
We do our best to get this released and you can check now that we have a public BETA.
We were avoiding to release a less stable beta & again this beta is not meant for production mainly to help us fixing the last bugs!
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