(02-06-2015, 05:37 PM)Me.B Wrote: 1. Would explain the exact error you have?
2. You are require with a clean ubuntu no need to upgrade 12.04, this is useless & by clean we mean no desktop nothing only MINIMAL. It had been tested a lot before release.
3. What system are you using ? VPS? Provider? VM? Install ISO you use?
4. "Speaking of uninstalling Sentora without having to uninstall Ubuntu" HOW you would uninstall WHAT you are not able to install? . You report issues over install then you want uninstall?
If you want to install sentora stable. The procedure is quite simple:
1. Wipe OUT THE WHOLE MACHINE. ( you can make backup if you had important files before!)
2. Setup Ubuntu 14.04 minimal install, no desktop & no options!
3. Using command line install sentora.
If you try to do that on existing setup it will fail more than a million time as it's not designed for that and never been tested/validated that way.
It's installing perfectly on Ubuntu 12.04. However:
- When I try to initially install it into Ubuntu 14.04, it causes Ubuntu 14.04 to freeze and not work anymore due to the point of it trying to remove AppArmor, then, I have to reinstall Ubuntu.
- When I upgrade to Ubuntu 14.04 while Sentora is currently in Ubuntu 12.04, Sentora gets broken between the transition and is no longer able to connect to the login screen in my browser.
- As far as uninstallation of Sentora, I'm talking about needing to uninstall the previous installation that I did in Ubuntu 12.04, since, it's no longer working in Ubuntu 14.04. That's why I mentioned about a Sentora uninstaller.
- I like the new interface.
- It actually locks the Root account when you do Ctrl+Alt+L or Start+L, unlike Ubuntu 12.04. This is the MAIN reason I want to run Sentora on Ubuntu 14.04, due to me liking my security and knowing that if I'm updating software in Ubuntu 14.04 root, I can confidently lock the system and know that no one else will be able to do anything and I don't have to stay near my system.
- The last time I talked about installing zPanel, I mentioned the security of being able to actually lock Ubuntu 14.04 whenever I do updates, unlike Ubuntu 12.04.
- In looking at the if statement in the code, I see that it says 12.04 or 14.04, so, I don't understand why it's not installing for me.