(09-29-2017, 10:11 PM)betatester3.0 Wrote: Hey bud,
What is exactly wrong with the mail() function ?
Could you give more in depth errors and what you have found to be the issue etc.
Question: what is the error lol
Hi so sorry, well i have a code to submit a form, very simple one just to send a notification by email. This is my code:
PHP Code:
// the message
$msg = "New Item submitted";
// use wordwrap() if lines are longer than 70 characters
$msg = wordwrap($msg,70);
// send email
mail("someone@example.com","Pay attention you got a new Submission",$msg);
Now this code comes right after a query to insert in MySQL and before an echo function to notifiy that was sent. All passes just fine and the query works like a charm. But the system does not send the email. It seems that my PHP its using the sendmail option, so i think i gotta edit the sendmail? That's the thing, i dont know were or how to edit this.
Thanks in advance and my best regards mate!
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